Page 340 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 340
Records of Bahrain
Enel os. in Sir C. Spring Rice's Despatch No. 3 of 3 Jan.07.
J AN 21
Sir C. Spring Rice to Grand Vizier, 2 Jan.07.
H.E. Charge d'Affaires did not fall to refer to H.M.
Govt, the note under date of Sept. 13 last relative to the stat
us of the Island of Bahrain, in which Y.H. in the support
of the Persian claim to the sovereignty of this island refers
to an Agreement made in 1822 between Capt. Bruce and H.R.H. Hussein
All Mirza, Prince of Shiraz.
In reply I have to remind Y.H. that the Agreement in
question being entirely contrary to the views of the British
Govt, letters were written to the Prince of Shiraz disavowing
the Treaty in strong terms and announcing the recall of Capt.