Page 344 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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334                        Records of Bahrain

                                 [This Document is tho Property of Ilis Britannic Majesty’s Govornnunk}

                                                                                   [Soptombor. 3.]

                                00 NFIDEN TTA li.                                   Shon.op 22.

                                         Sir. C; Spring.Ifyc. tq, Sir. Etlward Qrcy.—(Received September 3.)
                                (No, 17.9.)
                                Sir,                           v             0_u In lick, August 15f. 1907.
                                   WITH reference to my despatch No. G1 of the 27th March last relative to the
                                Persian. claim on Bahrain, I luivo the honour to inclose herewith copies of further
                                correspondence with the Persian Government on the subject.
                                   You will observe that the Porsiau Government disregards the previous communi­
                                cations which I had made, and renews the claim to the sovereignty of tho island on
                                the ground that a subordinate British ofliecr acknowledged the claim as valid in j822.
                                   I asked the Ala-es-Sultaneh how the Persian Government could renow a claim
                                which, ns I had explained, had been formally disavowed by a Shah of Persia. He said
                                that ho had forgotten what had happened about the question, but that recently some­
                                one had come to him from the Assembly to say that the claim must be urged because
                                the British themselves had acknowledged it in 1822. Ho asked me if I could
                                communicate to him the Shah’s dcskat in order to show it to the Assembly, who were
                                very insistent. I said I would send him a short historical Memorandum as to the
                                status of Bahrein, which would no doubt satisfy his friend. The origin of this
                                communication is, no doubt, tho dcsiroof certain persons connected with the’Assembly,
    ;                           probably tho Mouin-cl-Tujjcr, to get hold of pearl-fishing rights in order to sell them
                               at a profit. The question will be borne in mind, and a further communication will be
                               sont you.
                                                                      I have, &c.
                                                                 (Signed)    CECIL SPRING-llICE.

                                                        Inclosurc 1 in No. 1.

                                                   Ala-es-Sultuneh to Sir C. Spring-Rice.
                                Your Excellency,                             Tehran, August 10, 1907.
                                   I HAVE the honour to acknowledge tho receipt of your Excellency’s note of
                                the 23rd February last respecting tho Island of Bahrein, and have to point out that
                                even if tho Agreement of 1822 has not, as your Excellency slates, boon put into
                                execution, it docs not affect tho object of the Persian Government concerning the
                                Agreement in question, since the responsible officials of the British Government at
                                that time recognized the position of the island and the rights of Persia over it. If, in
                                the meantime, an Agreement has been made by them, and even that Agreement may
                                not have been put into forco, the fact will havo no bcariug on the recognition by the
                                British officers of tho rights of tho Persian Government over the Island of Bahrein.
                                It is on account of this point that tho Persian Government expects the justice of that
                                friendly Power, who bus from ancient times recognized her rights ovor that island, not
                                to refrain from giving necessary assistance when the occasion arises.
                                                                       I avail, &c.
                                                                  (Signed)    ALA-ES-SULTANEH.

                                                         IncloRure 2 in No. 1.
                                                   Sir C. Spring-Rice to Ala-es-Sultaneh.
                                Your Highness,                               Oulahek, August 13, 1007.
                                    I HAVE received your note of the 10th August, in which you recur to tho
                                question of Bahrein. I beg to remind you of the terms of Mr. Grant Duff’s lottor of
                                tho 19th February, 1900, and of my letter of tho 23rd February last, which no doubt
                                havo escaped your notico.
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