Page 349 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 349

Turkish interests and Persian claims, 1906-1909   339

                                                              - ’ . ; •/
            TolofTain to Mr, Marling, Tehran.

                       "Your tolo^rcun No. 77.
                        You Bhould formally brin(< facto to tho notico of
            tho Poroiun (lovornmont and protoot a,' ainot action of Oovorn-
            raonl of Lingah in arbitrarily puniohinj; a iiritioh protoctod
            oubjcct at^liuhroin and in rofuoin;# j;ood officoo of British

                        I am au&'oetin,; to tho India Office that tyajor Cox
            ohould bo aukod by tolepjuph for hio viev/B of what action
            ho uhould 8uccooofully tako to vindicato our position. "
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