Page 391 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 391

Turkish interests and Persian claims, 1906-1909   301

          [This Document is the Property of Ilis Iteitannio Majesty's Government.]

        . PERSIA.                                          [March 17.J
                                          4{- 7 APR ISCg "T
        CONFIDENTIAL.                                 /S   Section 2,

        9000]                         No. 1.
                           Sir Edward Qrey to Sir G. Barclay. '
        (No. 32.) -
        Sir,                             A      Foreign Office, March 17, 1909.
           WITH roforonco to your dospatch No. 10 of tho 22nd January, transmitting copy
       of an amended noto which you had received from Saad-od-Dowloh on tho subject of tho
       Baliroin claim, I havo to inform you that your action in accepting the arrangement
       roported in your nbove-mentionod dospatch is approved.
           At tho same timo you should impress upon tho Porsian Governmout that His
       Majesty's Govornraont cannot considor this arrangement as final, that thoy maintain
       their original attitude on tho subject, and that thoy will bo guided ontiroly by thoir own
       views of tho position should any action of tho Porsian authorities mako it necossary.
                                                        I am, &o.
                                                   (Signed)    E. GltEVT.

            [2191 i—2]
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