Page 386 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 386
376 Records of Bahrain
December 19 th 1900.
Your Hi^moss:-
I have the honour to roturn herewith a communi
cation addroBOod to Mr. Marling by Your Hitmens' prede-
ceosor on April 9th last. On receipt of thio conraunica-
tion fir. Marling lost no time in pointing out to the
Mushir-ed-Dowleh that Ilia Majesty's Legation could not ac
cept it and His Excellency promised to substitute for it
i an amended note. During the period ainco my arrival I have
I frequently asked .for a fulfilment of this promise but
without any satisfactory result* and it would not be con-
I i sistent with my duty that I should allow any longer time
to pass without recording officially and in writing that
; i
the communication which I not? return is altogether inad-
l ;
i .•
I avail &c.,
( Signed) G. Barclay.