Page 384 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 384
! 374 Records oj Bahrain
No.316* TEHRAN,
(2161) Docombor 19 th 1908.
You wero ao good ao to authorioo mo by your telegram
No.349 to accept, oubjoct to tho omiooion of certain words,
an amendod noto tho toxt of which had boon submitted to mo
by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, in substitution for tho
note of April 9th last, inclosed in Mr. Marling's despatch
No. 101 of April 24th in which Mushir-ed-Dowloh the Minister
for Foreign Affairs, roaffinned the Persian claim to the
Sovereignty of Bahrein. As you will remembor Ala-es-Sul-
taneh made the proposed substitution conditional on tho
Grand Vizier's concurrence.
Tho matter was submitted to tho Grand Vizier in Coun
cil at Bagh-i-Shoh on the 14th instant when His Harness
pronouncod against the proposed amendod note in the strong
est terms, declaring that Mushir-od-Dowleh's noto was an
: admirable one and that to change it would bo giving away the
Persian case. British activity in Bahrein, and British
pretensions in regard to that island could not bo allowedi
. The
Sir Edward Grey, Bart.,
fto • | &C • | flc.