Page 385 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 385
Turkish interests and Persian claims, 1906-1909 375
Tho influence of the Minister for Foreign Affairs,is,
E fppr,-not* strong .enough to modify tho rofractory attitude
cf tho Grand Viziior and I therefore do not propone to press
furthor for tho amended note. Such a couroc might indeed
load to the fall of the Minister for Foreign Affairs as I
should have to make it any further representations
that Ala-es-Sulbanoh had himself submitted the proposed
text to the Legation before tho Grand Vizior had 3eon it, a
fact which Ala-os-Sultanoh foaro would have moot damaging
results, for himself.
In tho circumstoncos tho v/isoot course soems to be to
return Mushir-ed-Dowleh's objectional communication.. This
courso commends itself to Ala-os-Sultanoh who seoo in it on
escape from the disclosure above indicated and I have to-day
addressed to the Persian Government the note of which a copy
is oncloood herewith.
I have &c.,
(Signod) G. Barclay.