Page 390 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 390

380                        Records oj Bahrain

                                    [This Document is the Property of Hi;; Britannic Majesty’s Government/)

                                  ASIATIC TURKEY AND ARABIA.                          [Fobruary 16.]

                                         CONFIDENTIAL.                                 Skotiox 1.

                                                      Sir Edward Grey to Sir G. Barclay.
                                  (No. 17;)
                                  Sir,                                    Foreign Office, February 16, 1800.
                                    -1 HAVE received your despatch No. ol6 of tho 19th December, 1908, stating that*
                                  you do not propose to press furthor for an amended note on tho Bahroin question, and
                                  that you have roturned Mushir-cd-Dowloh’s noto of tho 9th April, 1908, as boing
                                  altogether inadmissible.
                                      Your action in this mutter is approvod by His Majesty’s Government.
                                      The Porsian Government should, however, clearly understand that His Majesty's
                                  Government in no way depart from their attitude as explained in Mr. Marling's nolo of
                                  tho 30th March, 1908, aud that tho question will bo raised again whon an opportunity '
                                  presents itself.
                                                                                     I am, &c.
                                                                               (Signed)    E. GREY.

                                        [2102 9-I]

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