Page 343 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 343



          rpniS Precis  covers correspondence dealing with that portion of Mckran,

          which comc9 within the control of the Political Resident in the Persian
          Gulf, embracing the coast districts of Pcrsian-Baluchistan through which the

          telegraph line passes, that is, from Gwettar Bay to Jask, and also th'c port of
           Gwadur held by the Sultan of Maskat in British Mckran. The earlier corre­
          spondence, however, about the Persian encroachments in Baluchistan is so

          inextricably mixed up with tbc history of other districts that the Precis over­
          steps the above limits somewhat at the outset. It must be mentioned that

          Chapters II and IV to VI dealing with this subject are borrowed mainly
          from Colonel Goldsmid’s memorandum (Foreign Department Proceedings,
           Political A, June 18G9, Nos. 357-358).

              Before reading this Prdcis, a perusal of Captain Ross’s memorandum on

          Mckran (printed at the Education Society’s Press, Byculla, in 1868) and the
          historical and doscriptive chapter on Baluchistan in Volumo IX of Aitcliison’s

          Treaties, would be a great holp in getting a better insight into the

              The following subjects connected with Mckran affairs are treated in
          separate Pr6cis:—

                Disturbances of the Rinds iu the Slave Trade Precis, Chapter V.
                Traffic in Arms in the Arms Trade Prdcis.

                                                  J. A. S ALDAN HA.
          8tA December 1005.
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