Page 346 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
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CHAPTER Vll-contd.
Porso-Baluchistan boundary dispute settled by a Commission,
ii Proceedings of tho Commissioners..................................... 74-84
iii The Persian Government accepts the line sketched out by General
Goldsmid............................................................... 85-102
Telegraph and Persian Baluchistan Chiefs. Internal disturb
ances and changes, 1800-05.
i The Persian Baluchistan Chiefs • ••«.. 103—104
ii Disturbances at Jask, 1878 •••••*. 105
iii Relations between tho various Chiefs, 1883 106—110
iv Thefts on the telegraph lines in Geh territory, 1883 . 111
Y Certain changes in Chiefs in 1888-84. Death of Sartip Ibrahim
Khan, 1883-84 ................................................................ 112—115
vi Abdul Fath Khan, Governor of Bampur, 1887-89 116—120
vii Rising in Persian Baluchistan, 1889 ..... 121—122
viii Arrest of several Baluchi Chiefs, 1891 ..... 123
ix Internal affairs from 1891 to 1895. Death of Mir Abdul Nabbi
of Jask, 1891......................................................................... 123A—123C
Jask Telegraph Station.
i The detachment at Jask 124
ii British control and jurisdiction within tho station, 1869 • 125—126A
iii Interference of Persian officials within Jask station limits. Removal
of the detachment and agreement about Jask station, 1886-87 . 127—180
iv Alleged Persian interference within the Jask station, 1889 . 131—131A
Protection of British subjects in Persian Baluchistan.
i Plunder of British Indians by Sardar Hossein Khan, appointed
Governor of Charbar and Dashtyari in place of Din Mahomed . 182—137
ii Murder of a British Indian subject at Baku, 1882 . • 138—139
iii Plunder of Hindu traders of Dizzak and Geh, 1884 . 140
iv Seizure at Charbar of Doshambi, sailor of a British Indian vessel.
Arrangements for his release ...... 141-143
v Dharmu Mulchand's case, 1888-89 ...................................... 144—146