Page 347 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 347
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SBorious. ParAOBiPBfl.
Rising of Baluolii Chiefs. Anarchy in Persian Mckran.
Harder of Hr. Graves. British detachments stationed at
Jask and Charbar. British policy, 1897-08.
i Rising of Baluchi tribes....................................................... 147—154
ii Murder of Mr. Graves and measures taken to trace and punish
the murderers, December 1897-January 1898 . • 155—174
iii Detachment sent to Jask and Charbar, Jauuary 1898 • 175—181
iv Unauthorized action of Commander Baker of tho Sphinx in land
ing a force at Gulag and proceeding with it to Rapch, February
1898 .................................................................................. 182—192
v Operations againflt tho insurgent and punishment of the murderers 193-194
vi Indemnity for tho murder of Mr. Graves .... 195—196
vii Rewards to Persian officers for services rendered in Mr. Graves*
murder case, 1898-99 ....................................................... 197—200
Changes in payment of telegraph subsidy. Settlement of out
standing claims of the British Indian subjects agaiust Perso-
Baluch Chiefs. Arrest of the remaining two murderers of
Hr. Graves. Detachment at Jask and Charbar. Deaths of
several Chiefs, 1S99........................................................... 201
State of tho districts through which the telegraph line passes
from Gwettur to Jask, 1902-04.......................................... 202
Gwadur aud Charbar affairs.
i Early history of Gwadur and Charbar ..... 203—210
ii Azan bin Ginas* attempts to take Gwadur and Charbar, 1869-70 . 211—220
iii Seyyid Turki's rights to Charbar, 1871-72 • . 221—282
iv Persian pretensions to Gwadur and Charbar. Demarcation of
boundary line between Khelat and Persia. Capture of Charbar
by tho Persians................................................................. 283—272
v Question of rendition of Gwadur to the Khan of Khdat • 273—289
vi Reported intention of the Russian Government to place an agent
in charge of the Customs at Gwadur , • • • 290—292
British Political Agency iu Mckran 293—331