Page 345 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 345


              9lCT10h'3.                                            Pabaoiaphb.

                                       CHAPTER I.
                               Our early connection with Mehran,
                  i   Jask, our port of trade with Persia from 1615 to 1622   1
                 ii   Captain Grant's mission to Mckran, 1809   .   .   ,  2-3

                                       CHAPTER II.
                            Telegraph and Mckran: Persian pretensions.
                  i   Roverend Mr. Badgor’s reports, 1861   •   •   .   .  5—8
                 ii   Proposed negotiations with Persia and Mckran Chiefs: completion
                       of the telegraph line to Gwadur ......         9-17A
                 iii  Proposed lease or purchase of Gwadur ....     17B-17C
                 iv   Obstruction of the Persian Governor to the progress of the tele­
                       graph line—claims of Persia to Gwadur and Ckarbar  18-25
                 v    Colonel Goldsmid's report of December 1863 in regard to Persian
                       claims in Mckran ...      .   .   ,    ,       26—27
                 vi   Colonel Goldsmid’s first report of 1864 ,          28
                 vii  Colonel Goldsmid’s second report of 1864            29
                viii  Colonel Goldsmid’s third report of 1864             30

                                       CHAPTER III.
                      Agreements with Maskat in regard to telegraphic extension to
                       Bunder Abbas, 1804-65. Colonel Telly’s report on the country
                       from Buuder Abbas to Jask..................................................  80A—30E

                                       CHAPTER IV.
                      Negotiations with Persia for telegraphic extension westward
                       from Gwadur, 1805-08. Telegraphic Convention of 1S68  31—43

                                       CHAPTER V.
                      Captain Ross’s reports about Mckran, 1S67-6S     44—48

                                      CHAPTER VI.
                      Arrangements with local Chiefs as regards tho telegraph un­
                       settled state of the country..................................................  49—62 B
                                      CHAPTER VII.
                      Pcrso-Baluchistan boundary dispute settled by a Commission,
                  i   Persian agreement to demarcate tho bouudary line by a mixed
                       Commission, 1870   .   .   .                    63—73

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