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on tlio journey from Kerman, and take and deliver Dilawar Khan, who is Governor of Rifhk,
over to thorn, as they wishod to take him to Korman, promising them, if they did this, tho
appointments of tho Governorship of Baluchistan with possession uf Bampur. Through greed
for power they accordingly took Sardar Dilawar Khan and some of His chief men prisoners
and handed them over to the Prince who put them all in irons, two hours after, Ilu^sain Khan,
Mir Murad Khan, Kcngi Sultan, Mir Kandil Khan, and Mir Katnran Khan were summoned
in to the Prince’s presence to reccivo the promised appointments; instead of this iho wholo party
wore made prisoners and placed in dose confinement.
On tho same day Kengi Sultan, Mir Kandal Khan, and Mir Kamran Khan of tho Naroi
clan, and servants of Saidar Hussian Khan, were blown away from guns. Mir Bohram Khan,
■Naroi, another servant of Sardar Hussain Khan, seeing them undergo this painful death,
himself died of fright. Malek Bahadur, a chief man of place and in tho service of Sardar Dila-
war Khan, had his throat cut and his head separated from his body. Mir Gulam Rasul Khan,
brother of Mir Mahmud Khan, tho Governor of Sln-h, and sou in law of Mir Dilawar Khan,
son of Mir Saffuddin, Shajchan, son of Mir Pasand Khan, all in the service of Sardar Dilawar
Khan, were taken prisoners, with fifteen othors of his servants whoso names I do not remember
and placed in irons; six others, named Mir Slmh Mir and Mir Fakir Muhammad, of the clan
Damni, Mir lisa and Muhammad Roza, of the clan Hudnani, Mir Juman, people from tho
bills, and Ustad Dihrad, Minister of Sardar Dilawar Khan, were al-o caught and put in irons.
All these prisoners were put in chains and blown from guns on the same day.
The Prince has appointed Nawab Khan, son of Shah-Dost Khan, brother of Serhang
Mir Murad Khan, Sirhang of the forces, requiring him to furnish three hostages as a
guarantee of his future good behaviour and obedience. These hostages, whoso names are
Mir Hussain Khan, Dad Khuda, and Mir Hussain-bin-Shah, relatives of Nawab Khan, havo
been taken by the Prince to Kcrraau to be with him, and they will suffer if Nawab Khan
miseouducts himself. The following appointments have been made by tho t’rincc Governor ;—
Sardar Mawladad Khan to be Governor of Jask, Farud, Geh, and Kib-li-Zimcen.
Mir Mahim Khan, with the title of u Sarhaug ” to be Governor of Dashar Cbaba
and all Kuchi, Dashtiari, and Bahu.
Mir Rais Suleiman, fon-iu-law of Sardar Hussain Khan to bo Governor of Sukutan
with tho Chicfship of a thousand, (i.e., rank of Colonel).
Mir Chaker Khan, brother of Sardar Hussain Khan, to bo Governor of Pishtc and
Penneh, with ditto: on the last named, numerous presents and robes of honour
were conferred.
Mir Khair Muhammad, son of Aulya, to be Governor of Chanup with ditto.
The Prince then left Phcrat for Kerman, taking with him the following prisoners, who
are kept in close custody. Sardar Hussaiu Khan, Sardar Dilawar Khan, Mir Ghulam Rasul
Khan, brother of Sardar Mahmud Khan, and Sarhaug Mir Murad Khau. and also the three
hostage*, Dilawar Khan-bin-Saif-ud-dm, Shajchan, Shah Mir Daminis, and Mir Dost,
Baluch, were set free half way. Some other prisoners wore left in fort Pchrank with Sartip
Zainul Abcdecn Khan, who has instructions to set them free having first fiued them.
Zainul Abedeon Klian and his brother Ibrahim Khan havo been appointed Sartips of
Sartip Zainul Abedecn Khan accompanied the Prince as far as Zehgulu, a distance of
seven days' journey from Bampur, and from hero he was permitted to return.
A retaliatory fine has been allotted over each district equivalent to the losses caused by
fire and pillage at the hands of the Sardars.
I made enquiries of Sartip Zain-ul-Abedeen Khan, as to tho affairs of Baluch Khan
Naush.Twani. The Sartip said that Mir Haluch Khan had asked the Prince to let him have
a place to reside in, in Persia, and that the Prince had replied that it was all one whether he
resided in Persian or British territory, as long as he behaved himself. He could not be
permitted to live in Persia if he wished to create distrubances ; and another condition for his
residence in Persian territory would be that he had committed no offence against tho British
Government. Mir Beluch Khan in reply asked the Prince to give him a letter of recommenda
tion to the British Government. To this request the Prince acceded, though tho contents of
tho lei ter of recommendation are not known.
(IX).—Internal affairs from 1891—1895—Death of Mir Abdul Nabbi of Jask.
123-A. In July 1891 Mr. Abdul Nabbi Klian, the head man of the
Jask District, commenced levying taxes
Persiau Golf Administration Reports for
1891-92 and 1892-93. on grain and date produce on the plea that
he bad not been paid bis dues by the
present farmers of the district. The Governor of Bushire thereupon sent the
naibs of Minab and Shamilah with 2,000 men to collect the revenue and capture
Abdul Nabbi, but they were unsuccessful.
123 B. In January 1892 Abdul Nabbi again obtained control of tho
country round Jask from the Deputy Governor of Bundar Abbas. Tho holders
as first refused to give up tho district and 6omo desultory lighting occurred,