Page 410 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
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                                 (V).—Abdul Fatli Klian, Governor of Bampur in 1SS7-S0.
                         110. Abdul Path Klmn was appointed Governor of Bampur in 1887. In May
                                                    1888 bo dismissed from the Governorship
                        Ext). A., September 18S8. Nos. 182*187.
                                                    of Gch Sardar Husain Khan because of
                     some damage dono to the telegraph lino, and appointed Alir Moulndad Khan,
                     and Sayyid Mahomed Khan, Collectors of revenuo in tho districts of
                     Dusht, liijan, Kumurklmnd, Scrbaz, Kucha, Charhar and Biiliu ; and asked that
                     the balance of the telegraph subsidy might be sent to him (Governor) through
                     Sayyid Mahomed.
                         117.  Colonol Boss was of opinion that the subsidy should be paid to tho
                                                    local ohief direct and not as subsidy but
                         Extl. A., November 1888, Nos. 38*41.
                                                    as reward for good service done. The
                      Porsian Government receive in addition to the amounts paid to the local
                      chiefs a subsidy of Its. 12,000 a year under the Telegraph Convention for tho
                      Perso-Balochistan lino, and could not claim the local subsidy should be paid
                      through their Persian Governors at Bampur. The question then was who was
                      tho local Baluchi chieftain appointed by the Persian Government.
                         118.  It was ultimately decided by Colonel Boss that as the Sartip of
                                                    Bampur had authority to appoint a
                          Extl A., Jannnry 1889, Nos. 19*20.
                                                    local Governor, the balanco of the
                      subsidy could be paid to Sayyid Mahomed who had been placed in charge of
                      the Geh district (Colonel Boss’s telegram No. 4‘J0, dated 24th November 1888).
                         119.  In 1887 Mir Abdul Nabbi and Mir Ali (an old man) of Jask and a
                        Extl. A., Dcoomber 1887, Nos. 126*141.   numbor of other Baluch chiefs were made
                                                    prisoners and taken to Teheran. Mir Ali
                        Extl. A., August 1884, No. 90.
                                                    was released only in June 1888, but
                     Mir Abdul Nabbi was in confinement till 1890. 11 was believed that their alleged
                     friendship towards the British was at the bottom of this mysterious afTair (Colonel
                     Ross’s No. 219, dated 12th July 1888). In this connection sec history of the
                     Jask Station, chapter VIII.
                         120.  In February 1889 it was reported that Mir Abdul Nabbi accompanied
                                                   Saad-ul-Mulk to Jask in the Persepolis,
                         Extl. A., May 1889, Nos. 265*266.
                                                   but he was not allowed to land, and
                     the rumour was that he would not be released unless he paid 4,000 krans and
                     gave a substantial security for good behaviour in future.

                                     (VII).—Rising in Persian Baluchistan, 1SS9.
                         121. The rule of Sartip Abdul Fath Khan, who was made Governor of
                                                   Persian Baluchistan in 1887 was attended
                        Extl. A., September 1889, No*. 166*179.
                                                   by an amount of oppression, barbarity,
                     cruelty and outrages, rarely surpassed during the Persian dominion corrupt and
                     oppressive as it always had been. In his brother Mohsin Khan he found a
                     worthy instrument in his misrule. In 1889 the exasperation of the Baluchis
                     reached such a pitch that most of the chiefs revoltod and besieged him in his
                     fort at Bampur. In August 1889 it was reported that Abul hath Khan was
                     captured by Murad Khan (Telegram from the clerk in charge Charbar to the
                     Director, Karachi,-dated 20th August 1889). Another account says that it was
                     Zemal Abadin Khan, who seized him and took him a prisoner to Kerman (news
                     repqrt from the Native Assistant to Political Agent, Gwadur, dated 25th July
                         122. Zain-al-Abadin Klian was appointed to succeed Abul Fath Khan, and
                                                   wrote on 2nd February 1890 to Mr. Ffinch
                       Extl. A., December 1889, Noe. 88-100.   giving intimation of his appointment
                       Extl. A., March 1890, No*. 71-73.
                                                   and mentioning the arrangements about
                                                   tho governorship of certain districts :—
                        Charbar, which was formerly under Sayyid Mahomed Khan, was first given over to
                     Sardar Bin Mahomed, then given to Sardar Ilussain Khan. Charbar customs and balanco of
                    telegraph allowance to be given to such person as Sardar Hussain Khan might appoint.

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