Page 413 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 413
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but with no dcfinito result. Mir Abdul Nabbi soon became master of the district
an dbegan to levy taxes from the people, and created considerable discontent i
everywhere which threatened to lead to serious disturbances. i
123C. In 1894 the country round Jask was much disturbed by a quarrel,
with serious results, between two of the
Gulf Administration lloporU for 1S04-95 and
.1896-96. neighbouring Sardars. In a Jracaa arising
out of an attempt to settle a dispute by
the seizure of certain camels, tho son of Mir Ali was shot dead by the party of
Mir Abdul Nabbi, whoso arrest was ordered by the authorities. Both parties
referred to tho officers of tho Telegraph, Mir Ali asking for help of ammunition
which was refused. The Sardars were later summoned to Bunder Abbas;
but Mir Abdul Nabbi having been attacked en route and a fight ensuing in ■
which a few were killed, lie refused to continue his journey, and was subse
quently deprived of his authority. The subsidy allowed by tho Telegraph, for
the protection of their line, was consequently transferred to Mir Uaji Yasuf
whose appointment had been intimated. Mir Abdul Nabbi died in December
Sardar Din Mahomed Khan of Dashtiyari died in 1894 and was succeeded
by his son Abdi Khan to the cliiefship.