P. 248

'  '  '  '  '  '  .
      216           HISTORY OF THE INDIAN NAVY.

      Attendant, Captain Robert Anderson, the Commodore, Captain
      James Sutherland, thirteen Captains, thirty-three First-Lieu-
      tenants,  twenty-one  Second-Lieutenants,  and  thirty-seven
        The  Master-Attendant,  who  took  rank  and  precedence
      immediately after the Superintendent, received 25,000 rupees
      per annum, considerably more than =£2,500 at the current rate
       * Tlie following is a copy of tlie official printed list of the officers of the Bombay
      Marine on the 1st of January, 1802, which fell into the liands of an officer of the
      Service about thirty years ago, in the bazaar at Bussorali, having, doubtless,
      belonged to the chief of the Company's factory then establislied in that city.  It
      will, probably, be considered of interest not only by the Service, but by those
      readers who have followed with interest the varied services of many of the officers
      whose names appear in it.
                                                     Bates of
                    Names and Stations.             Commissions.
      Charles John Bond—Member of the Marine Board  Nov.  15, 1786
      Walter Borlase—Member of the Marine Board   Dec.  18, 1787
      Thomas Hardie  ' Marquis Cornwallis '  .    May  9, 1793
      Emanuel Margoty  'Bombay'                        9,  „
      Isaac Gonsalves Richardson—On shore  .        »  9,  „
      Samuel Speak—On sliore                      June 26,  „
      Robert Billamore—Returning to Europe          „  27,  „
      Nathaniel Tncker  ' Antelope  '  .            ,,  28,  „
      Edward Stepheson—Commodore at Surat         Aug. 21,  „
      Thomas Turner  — ' Fly  '  .                June 21, 1799
      Thomas Skinner  ' Teignmouth                Dec.  1, 1800
      William Maughan—In Europe  .                Aug.  8,  „
      Thomas Dobinson —  ' Ternate                     2, 1801
      George Roper  ' Intrepid                    Nov.  9, 1792
      John Hayes—Eastward  .                           9,  „
      Edward Lowes  ' Panther'
                                                       9,  „
      Charles Keys—On shore                       Jan.  19, 1793
      Thomas Hawkswell —  ' Princess Royal '  .   May  9,  „
      Levi Philips—Assistant to the Superintendent, Judge Ad\
         cate, and Secretary to the Marine Board       9,  „
      Thomas Dade Beaty  ' Viper '  .             July  30,  „
      John Wales—In Europe
                                                      31,  „
      John Proctor— In Europe                     Aug.  ],  »
      Henry Frost  ' Mornington
                                                       7,  „
      William Manwaring—At Amboyna                     V,  „
      Robert Budden  ' Drake
                                                       7,  „
      Joiin Wedgebrough—Absent with leave
                                                      21,  „
      Samuel Snook—1st Assistant to the Master-Attendant  Feb.  12, 1798
                'Alert' ....
      Thomas Bennett—On shore                      >,  12,  „
      James Jeakes —                               „  12,  „
      John Lawrence—Red Sea
                                                   „  12,  „
      Jonathan Mickie—Assistant to the Marine Storekeeper
                                                    „  12,  „
      George Barnes—Boat-Master at Surat  .        „  12,  „
      Charles Gilmour
                  ' Princess Augusta '  .          „  21,  „
      Philip Bewicke—Proceeding to Europe
                                 .                 „  21,  „
      Charles Coui-t—At Mannado                    „  21,  „
      John Walter Hamilton
                       ' Mornington '  .           „  21,  „
      Robert Scott^To the Eastward  .              »  21,  „
      William Hewitson  ' Bombay'  .               „  21,
      Thomas Smee —  ' Marquis Cornwallis         Aug.  8, 1800
      John Sexton —  'Mornington'                  »   8,  „
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