P. 250

        per annum.  Some years later the  title of junior captain as a
        substantive rank, was created, and the numbers of the superior
        grades stood  at eight senior and eight junior captains; the
        lieutenants'  list  remained  at  the same  strength,  while the
        number of the rank of midshipmen or volunteers, fluctuated
        with the  will of Government and the exigencies of the Ser-
          Mr. P. Dundas occupied the office of Superintendent for three
        or four years with considerable credit to himself and benefit to
        the Bombay Marine, and, at the end of that time, was removed
        to another office  ; his loss was regretted by the officers of the
        Service, whose honour and welfare he had ever studied, while
        mindful of the interests of Government.  He was succeeded by
        Captain William Taylor Money, who proved himself an equally
        efficient head of the Service entrusted to his care, and united
        the regards of his employers with the good-will and loyalty of
        his subordinates.
          To  assist in thwarting Napoleon in his schemes on Egypt,
        which, however, Nelson and Abercromby did most effectually in
        their victories of the Nile in 1798 and Alexandria in 1801, the
        British Government despatched,  in 1799, a naval force from
        England to cruise in the Red Sea.
          At  the  same  time,  orders  were  sent  to  the Bombay
        Government to secure and fortify the island of Perim, which is
        the  first notice we have of the intention, subsequently carried
        into effect, of Great Britain seeking to command the waters of
        the Red Sea, by  the same means she has  so  successfully
        employed in the Mediterranean  ; thus, in her hands, in course
        of time Aden and Perim have become almost as important
        strategic points as Gibraltar and Malta, and are scarcely less
        essential to  the protection  of the highway  to her Eastern
        possessions.  Mention has already been made of Perim, in the
        Straits  of Babelmandeb, as the island  which the European
        pirates, under Avory and Kidd, first occupied, but which, owing
        to the want of water, for which they made extensive borings,
        they were obliged to evacuate  for other ports in Madagascar.
        Acting under instructions, the Bombay Government, in April,
                           Volunteers.— (Continued.)
         George Furghall—' Rocluey' .....             Appointments.
                                                        Dates of
                       Names and Stations.
        John Macit— Inspector at Surat.....        .  Sept.  5,  „
                                                     Mar. 15, 1798
                  ' Bombay' ......
                           ' Marquis Cornwallis
        Thomas Dyke Ballantyne
        David Ross —  ' Ternate'.....                Feb.  22, 1799
         Henry Hardy .......                             —
        Philip Maughan — 'Mornington' ....               —
                    ' Teignmoiith ' ....
         David McDonald
         Frederick FaithfuU— ' Bombay'.....          Feb.  —
                                                         27, 1801
                      ' Fly'.,...
         WUliam Arrow
                  ' Teignmouth'.....
         John Spier Young —                          Feb.  — 3, 1801
         David Jones
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