P. 249

'  '' '  ' ' '  '  ' '  ' '  ' '  '  '
                 HISTORY OF THE INDIAN NAVY.           217

    of exchange, exclusive of some fees of which we have not the
    particulars  ; and the pay of the Commodore was 24,000 rupees
                    First-Lieutenants.— (Continued.)
                                                   Dates of
                'Antelope' ....
                  Names and Stations.
    Richard Bird—On shore ....
    Jolin Alexander Ramsay—In Europe
    Edmund Smyth
    WiUiam Nesbitt—2nd Assistant to the Master-Attendant
    William Henry  ' Comet
    Charles Saunders—Sick qiiarterp
    Duncan Davidson Conyers  ' Bombay'  .
    Robert Deane—At Banda
    Richard Bennett  'Panther'
    Charles Scaly  — ' Marquis Cornwallis
    John Ackenby —  ' Teijrnmouth  '  .
    Joshua Allen  ' Bombaj''
    James Watson —  ' Viper
    John Pruin  ' Marquis Cornwallis
    John Stanney—In Europe
    Richard Morgan — ' Mornington
    Stephen Best —  ' Intrepid
    Jacob Maughan —  ' Ternate
    William Nicholson  ' Intrepid '  .
    William Eatwell  ' Rodney  '
    William P. Foley—In Europe  .
    George Walker  'Panther'
    William Henry Taylor  ' Intrepid'
    Charles H. Salter  'Antelope'  .
    George Rowling—To the Eastward
               —   Names and Stations.
    Henry Davidson  ' Princess Royal
    William Douglas
    William Blytlie
    David D. Murray
    Francis Salmond
    Andrew Brown  .
     Daniel Ross  'Amboyna'
     George J. Hepburne  ' Marquis Cornwallis
    William Thomas Graham —  ' Bombay'
     George Henderson  ' Amboyna
     Edward Lowther— In Europe
     James Watkins  ' Princess Augusta
     William Bruce—On shore
     Charles Gowan —  ' Teignmoutli  '  .
     John Russell —  ' Queen  '  .
     Nathaniel Gilmore  ' Fly'
     Charles Baker  ' Comet
     Thomas Harriott  ' Marquis Cornwallis
     Horace Ange— ' Mornington
     Isaac Richardson  —
                  ' Comet
     George II. Hanrey  ' Antelope  '
     Thomas Blast
     John Hall  ' Viper  '
     Wilham Milne— ' Marquis Cornwallis'
     William Maxfield— ' Alert
     Charles Lord  ' Fly  '
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