Page 140 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 140
weit&t, and Ugboot, possess the largest shares.
The trees extend along the bottom of a nar-
row valley, which bears a striking resem
blance to that of Ainfmah. A considerable
stream of water flows through and irrigates
the groves, and fences divide the trees into
circular groups, accessible only by a diminu
tive door two feet in height: within, wheat,
dhorra, and some few fruits* and vegetables
are reared.
Near the beach there are about two hun
dred huts, occupied by those who cultivate
the trees and reside here permanently ; but
the Bedowins, to whom the greater number of
trees belong, arrive with their tents at the
commencement of the date harvest, and con
tinue only until its conclusion. A promis
cuous multitude of three or four thousand are
then assembled, among whom quarrels and
disputes constantly occur. These, if not
decided on the spot, are referred to the
principal Sheikhs; but the parties always
retain a right of appeal to the elders of any
neighbouring tribe. The custom of the rela
tives of the slain retaliating on the slayer or
* Grapes, limes, figs.—Nebek, &c.