Page 140 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 140

VII.]          GULF OF ’AKABAH.              121

           weit&t, and Ugboot, possess the largest shares.
           The trees extend along the bottom of a nar-
           row  valley, which bears a striking resem­

           blance to that of Ainfmah. A considerable
           stream of water flows through and irrigates
           the groves, and fences divide the trees into
           circular groups, accessible only by a diminu­
           tive door two feet in height: within, wheat,
           dhorra, and some few fruits* and vegetables
           are reared.
             Near the beach there are about two hun­
           dred huts, occupied by those who cultivate
           the trees and reside here permanently ; but

           the Bedowins, to whom the greater number of
           trees belong, arrive with their tents at the
           commencement of the date harvest, and con­
           tinue only until its conclusion. A promis­
           cuous multitude of three or four thousand are
           then assembled, among whom quarrels and
           disputes constantly occur. These, if not
           decided on the spot, are referred to the
           principal Sheikhs; but the parties always
           retain a right of appeal to the elders of any
           neighbouring tribe. The custom of the rela­
           tives of the slain retaliating on the slayer or

                      * Grapes, limes, figs.—Nebek, &c.
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