Page 145 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 145
Quit Kosairt and re-enter the Gulf of 'Akabah-Magnah—Escape
from Shipwreck — Dangerous anchorage — Sherm Majowik
Bugala — The Pilot and his Sons — Extraordinary swell
accounted for—Perilous situation of the Palinurus—Variety
and temperature of Winds—Mode of obtaining anchorage—
Soundings—Anecdote—Difficult anchorage—Arrival at Jejerat
From Kosair we again proceeded, and re
passed the Straits of’Akabah with a moderate
southerly wind, which bid fair to carry us
some distance on our voyage; but it failed
us about ten o’clock, near to Magnah, abreast
of which, in order to show ourselves to our
old friends, we burnt a blue light. Being
close in-shore, our unexpected appearance
with the vessel must have greatly surprised
them, and their watch-fires plainly indicated
that they now perceived us. About an hour
after midnight, the wind shifted to the north
east, with every appearance of blowing wea-