Page 144 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 144
sage, we anchored about 300 yards from the
ruins of Myos Hormus, and, on landing, found
nothing but a small fort, 150 paces in length,
and 120 in breadth, enclosing a few small
houses. Towers of a square form have been
erected at the angles ; and, on the northern
and western sides, equi-distant from these,
the remains of arched gateways are visible.
The whole of this building was most probably
founded about the time of the Caliphs, to
whom, as to the Greeks, the advantage of
good water in the vicinity of its port rendered
Myos Hormus a valuable station *. It is now,
however, wholly abandoned. From hence we
proceeded to Cosseir, where we found instruc
tions awaiting us to complete the survey of
the Gulf of ’Akabah in the ship.
* The ancient authors enumerate three islands, probably Shad-
wan, Pilot's Island, and Jobal, which occupied this port; and its
position was further indicated by a red rock, which glistened so as
to dazzle the eye of the spectator; but of this we saw nothing.