Page 142 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 142

VII.]           GULF OF ’AKABAH.              123

         his stay : it is to be regretted our visit did not
         take place at this time, as some curious
         information respecting the habits of these
         remote tribes might then have been collected.
            On a hill near the extremity of the date
         grove there are some ruins. The walls are
         massive, and the building, which has probably
         served as a fort, is of some antiquity. At Ma-
         harehi Sho’aib, and at Beden, the former esti­

         mated at five and a half, the latter seven
         and a half hours’ journey, there are other
         ruins. I had planned an excursion to them,
         but was prevented from going by what has
          already been narrated.
            Quitting the Gulf of ’ Akabah for the present,
          Captain Moresby proceeded to complete the
          survey of a portion of the Egyptian shore
          contiguous to the ancient port of Myos Hor-
          mus: we commenced our operations at------,
          where we found a hill abounding in sulphur.
          No one was at present employed here; but

          three years since, Mohammed Ali is said to
          have drawn a large supply from it. During
          our stay, I received full confirmation of a fact
          I had previously doubted when related by the
          Arabs. During the late gales the weather
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