Page 116 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 116
i 418 Records of Bahrain
For 1347 I have estimated Cuotomo RoooiptB
at Rs. 9,00,000/-. Unlooo thoapearl ooaoon
turns out a bad ono I am confident that this
amount will bo roachod, I hopo that it will be
Again in ootimating Customa Recoipta at
Ra. 9,00,000/- I am allowing a margin of Ra.lS^<^*s,j'—
ao againat actuala of 1346.
Although I have budgeted higher on the
Revenue Sido thia year than for the previous
Jjfeara I would point out again that the margin
if: between the annual revenue of the State and the
: annual recurrent expenditure of the State is
a very alight ono, about Ra. 75,000/-. Although
the financial poBition ia aound the State ia
f< spending at present nearly the whole of its
annual revenue on recurrent monthly expenditure
such as the alloY/encoe to the Ruling family
I 5
which alone absorb more than half the whole
The sum of Ra. 2,00,000/- has been sot asido
li during the past year to form the basis of a State
This money is on Fixed Deposits,
reoorve fund.
in Bombay and produces interest at 4$. It ia
| hoped that the fund will be added to yearly, The
reserve fund has been shown on the Budget entirely
Apart from the Reserve fund the State com
; i pleted the yoar with a oredit balanoe of Ra*