Page 115 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 115
State finances, 1928-1932 417
No . of 134
Offico of tho Adviser to
tho Government, Bahrain.
Datod, 11th Dul Qaad 46
The H. B. Id'd Political Agent,
I havo tho honour to forward herewith
the new Budget for the year 1347 and also
returns and explanatory notoo on the revenue
and expenditure for the year 1346.
1347 Budget. This is the third Budget
Y/hich I have had tho honour to submit.
Practically the v/hole of the State’s
revenue iB derived from tho Customs. Each
yoar as a rosult of increased revenue, I have
thought it safe to budget slightly higher
than for tho previous year owing to tho fact
of there being an inoroase in actual revenue.
In 1345 a revenue of Rs. 7,50,000/-
from Customs Receipts was estimated in tho
Budget. The actual collections amounted to
Rs. 9,62,000/-.
In 1346 a revenue of Rs. 8,50,000/-
waa estimated. The actual collections
reached Rs. -----