Page 31 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 31

Regional relations, 1926-1931              333

                   Confidential.      :u          The Agency, Bahrain.
                   Bo. 10 C.                           -26th January 1990
                                        t-       bur:
                                                 fh‘,. i
                                                 Dm-  4.2.- 3°
                    Captain C.G.Prior I.A.
                             Political Agent, Bahrain.
                    The iion'blc Lt.Col .JI.V.Biscoc T.A.
                             Political Resident, Persian Gulf,

                         I have the honour to say that after cohsider-
                 able delay I received n reply from the Amir of Qatif
                 saying that he w uld be clad to see me as arranged,
                 and that my letter had been delayed four days by the
                 launch that took j.t being stajrnded on a reef.
                         2. I arrived in the afternoon and was recei­
                 ved by the brother of the Amir and Abdullah Qusaibi
                 in the Amirs launch, the water being too shallow for
                 my launch to approach the pier,        The Amir met me
                 at the door of his house and took me to my rooms. Y/e
                 talked for some time, but being unable to shux.e off
                 Abdullah Qusaibi I went for a drive to Dammam and
                 Seihnt.   The former, far from being the ruin mention­
                 ed in the handbook of Arabia, contains some 900 mem­
                 bers of the bowasir tribe, lately of Hudaiyya in Bah­
                 rain, ond Seihnt is a large town of some 1500 inhabi­
                 tants, all Bahama by origin.
                         9. J was unable to shake off the persistent
                 Abdullah Qusaibi till the second day, and then dis­
                 cussed the question of the Persians who had been fired
                 on while collecting stones at a reef.near Dammam. He
                 told me that he was still making investigations,.,aid
                 that if he discovered who the cuplrits were,* he would'
                 make an example of them. The ineffable Abd\\lJLaha j
                 saibi now interrupted us again, and: I,.went:i.f.or ,a- drive
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