Page 168 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 168


                      20 miles inland of Shargah where they had Shaikh Rashid in confinement and were
                      preparing for an attack in force on Falai. It also transpired that Shaikh Rashid’s
                      captured followers had been sent as prisoners by sea to Abu Thabi ; a distinct
                      violation of the Maritime. Truce.
                         Special messengers were sent to the Shaikh of Shargah calling upon him to
                      return home at once to interview the Resident and after some attempt at evasion
                      he decided to comply ; and he having been got on board H. M. S. Proserpine,
                      primarily in connection with the settlement of "Shargah claims, pressure was put on
                      him to assist the Resident in bringing the Shaikh of Abu Thabi to his senses. He
                      was accordinglv used as an emissary and after nearly a week’s obstinate  corre-
                      spondence, and endeavours by Shaikh Zaced to make stipulations regarding Shaikh
                      Rashid’s release he was at length induced to release him unconditionally” but on
                      the friendly understanding that the Resident would thereupon arbitrate an equit­
                      able settlement of their differences. Shaikh Rashid duly arrived at the coast under
                      an escort, considerably reduced in proportions and in a somewhat nervous state
                      after his six weeks’ indurance, and was received on board the Lawrence as the
                      Resident’s guest.
                         Two long days were then passed on shore in tedious discussion of the terms of
                      peace, between Shaikh Rashid on the one hand and the Shaikhs of Shargah (repre­
                      senting also Ajman) and Debai (representing also Abu Thabi). A modus vivendi
                      was at last effected and writing, and will, it is hoped, have the effect of
                      maintaining peace among the Trucia! Shaikhs for a longer period than their com­
                      pacts usually do. On the conclusion of the negociations the Shaikh of Umm-el-
                     Kaiwain was landed at his port, where the town was en fete, and was received with
                      much rejoicing. He himself seemed grateful for his deliverance and subsequently
                      sent a thank-offering in the shape of a well-bred riding camel and a young horse,
                      which were taken into Government employ.
                         In the meanwhile H. M. S. Redbreast proceeded to Abu Thabi and brought back
                      the imprisoned followers of Shaikh Rashid and landed them at their home and thus
                      the incident ended.
                          On receiving a report of the events just narrated the Government of India
                      considered that further action in the direction of the exaction of a fine from the
                     Shaikh of Abu Thabi for his treachery and breach of the Maritime Truce might be
                     dispensed with.
                         Shaikh Sagar according to his wont has given constant trouble to the Residency
                                                     during the year owing to his extraordinary
                                                     apathy in effecting the settlement of claims
                     upon his subjects, and his callous disregard of the provisions of the Convention
                      existing among the Trucial Chiefs regarding the treatment of absconding divers.
                         According to the latter Convention he had rendered himself liable to a fine of
                      several hundred dollars, and when the incident just narrated regarding the seizure
                     of Shaikh Rashid was reported the Resident was just about to start for Shargah to
                     endeavour to bring Shaikh Sagar to his senses.
                          In order however to obtain his co-operation in the achievement of peace between
                      Shaikh Rashid and Shaikh Zaeed and in view of his tractability in the question
                      of the Abu Musa Concession, which was discussed at the same time and which has
                      been dealt with in the Bushire report, it was thought politic to treat him lenient y
                     in regard to the claims outstanding against Shargah and therefore the Residen
                     contented himself with taking from him a deposit of Rs. 3,000 as a guarantee
                     of their early settlement.
                         It was mentioned in last year’s report that the Chiefs had been called upon to
                                                       fly the Orthodox Trucial Flag prescribed
                                 Tru« ial Flag.        by Treaty, and that after sonic demur
                     they had apparently deferred to the wishes of Government.
                         It was not long however before the Shaikhs of Abu Thabi and Debai put■
                      heads together and informed the Resident that the Flag which they were askc
                      fly had been looked upon from time immemorial as the specific emblem o* 1
                      Jowasmi tribe, and that as the Jowasmis (Shargah and Ras-el-Khnima) 'vori'
                     the “ Ghafiri ” persuasion and they themselves “ Himiwi,” their subject# reiusct
                     fly the Flag prescribed. Shaikh Zuucd added that only if the Sultan ot - *la
                     agreed to change the Maskat Flag would he be willing to change his.
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