Page 169 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 169
As the reversion to the Treaty Flag had been proposed mainly in the interest
of the Shaikhs, in order that the Belgian Customs Administration at the Gulf Ports
might recognise Trucial Coast dhows as entitled to British protection, and as the
juncture was not propitious for any action calculated to disturb the equilibrium of
the Trucial Coast generally, the Resident asked authority to drop the matter for
the present and this course was approved.
From much the same considerations, two other questions, namely, the institu
tion of a Post office at Debai (now a regular port of call for the British India
steamers) for which the British pearl dealers had petitioned: and secondly, the
flying of the British Flag over the Residency Agent’s house at Shargah for the
better security of himself and the guidance of visiting men-of-war, were not for
the time pressed by the Resident against the ignorant demurs of the respective
Shaikhs concerned.
We shall be better placed for pursuing to their issue such questions of minor
but local importance when and if the looked-for conclusion of the Anglo-Russian
settlement leaves U3 free to pursue our mission on the western shore of the Gulf
without risk of prejudice therefrom to more important political problems under
This case still remains unsettled and still furnishes the Shaikh of Abu Thabi
with a convenient grievance which is drag
Tfiona Cane.
ged forth on every possible occasion by
that venerable but forward Chief.
P. Z. COX, Major,
Offg. Political Resident in the Persian Gulf.
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