Page 173 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
P. 173


                               POLITICAL RESIDENCY FOR 190u-l'J0T.            09

                On about the 22nd July 1906 in consequence of a newspaper report that the
             German Government was contemplating the requirement of Halul island, east of
             Katar, as a coaling station, Major Cox inspected the spot in the course of his
             journey back from India.
                In August Shaikh Abdallah was visited by the fugitive Chief of the Al Morra
             tribe, who had suffered heavy punishment at the hands of the Ajman.
                In September the Ajman tribe patched up their blood-feud with the people of
             Doha, surrendering 100 camels and binding themselves to other engagements for
             the maintenance of the peace.
                In October the Bani Hajir Shaikh Salim bin Shaft, came to a friendly settlement
             with Shaikh Jasim bin Thani to permit of his peacefully camping in the interior of
                 In November an unsuccessful attempt was made on the life of Shaikh Abdallah
             bin Jasim by a negro slave. The latter was shot down after he had killed two
             persons, a man and a woman.
                 The history of this tract for the year has consisted of a continuous series of
             disturbances, some of which very likely have been inspired by the agents of the
             Eiadh Amir, Bin Sa’ud.
                 In April, August and September caravans were surprised and looted by
             Bedouins on the roads leading to the Hasa Oasis. In August an important fight
             took place between the ’Ajraan and Al Morra tribes, when the Chief of the latter
             was taken prisoner and compelled to sue for his life under a heavy penalty. In
             the same month a fracas occurred between the townspeople of Mubarraz and an
             encampment of ’Ajraan which was attended with the loss of several lives. In Nov­
             ember a more serious fight occurred between the townspeople of Hofuf aided by
             the Turkish troops against the combined tribesmen. The garrison suffered about
             20 casualties and temporarily lost a gun.
                 On the 27th December 1906, a couple of small chartered steamers, the
             John 0. Scott and the Muhammadi, commenced pouring troops into Katif for the
             relief of the Hasa, Katif and Ojair garrisons. The presence of these additional
             forces was taken advantage of to overawe and temporarily pacify the Oasis and
             their environs. The somewhat disorganized former garrisons are now returning to
             Basra in driblets by the mail-steamers : so that the Turks do not appear to intend
             maintaining an increase of troops permanently in the district. The headman of
             Mubarraz, Sa’dun Pasha, and his son left home hastily in February to assure the
             Basra authorities of their innocence in connection with the disturbances.
                 The Mutasarrif of Hasa has been Najib Pasha throughout the year.
                 The Commander of the troops in Hasa, Hilmi Pasha, was relieved by Said Bey
             in February 1907.
                 The Kaim-makam of Katif at the commencement of the year was Ahmad
             Effendi. This officer was replaced by Nasira Effendi in August, and the latter was
             succeeded by Ibrahim Effendi in December.
                 The rule of Nasim Effendi was apparently unpalatable to Haji Mansur Pasha,
              the Manager of the Dayira Saniya, for the latter was able to procure the appoint­
              ment of a Commission, composed of Thabit Effendi Bimbashi and Mahdi Effendi,
              both from Basra, and Owin Effendi from Hofuf, to enquire into the conduct of the
              Katif Treasury Officer, Darwish Effendi. The Qaimmakam and the Treasury
              Officer withdrew to Darin on Tarut Island during the sittings of the Commission,
              and were both afterwards superseded.
                 The Customs farm of Hasa, Katif and Ojair was re-sold for the year commenc­
              ing about the 1st March 190G to the Bin Faris-bin Akhwan Syndicate for
              Iv3. 16,000 Liras, giving an enhancement of 12-51 per cent, over the previous
              year’s price.

                 Two hundred and nineteen civil plaints and 206 criminal complaints   were
              received and disposed of during the year under report.
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