Page 170 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911_Neat
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                                  TICAL AGENCY FOR THE YEAR 1900-1907.

                                                       The year under report has been on the
                                 General.            whole a remarkably prosperous and healthy
                                                     one for the people generally.
                        The inter-racial disturbances in Hasa form an exception to this statement,
                    and serious depreciations in the price of pearls in Bombay and Europe have cast a
                    gloom at the end of the year over the principal financiers in this important trade.
                    It is not likely, however, that any of the Pearling Magnates of Bahrein or Katif will
                    incur ruin, though the position of Shaikh Jasim bin Thani of Katar  seems very
                    shaky financially.
                        The general volume of Bahrain trade for the year 1906 has risen from
                    Rs. 4,47,52,162 to Rs. 4,73,18,202, showing an increase of 5*73 per cent, on the
                    previous year’s figures, which had until then constituted the record.

                                            RAINFALL AND HARVEST.
                        The rains this year have been scanty and late.
                        The rainfall in Bahrain amounted to 2*17 inches, of which 1*62 inches fell in
                    February. The crop of grass was therefore much below the average, and the un­
                    fortunate Persian butchers who import slaughter-cattle, sheep and goats for the
                    towns of Manama and Muharraq were continually losing animals from starvation
                    and kindred evils.
                        The 1906 date-crop in Bahrain as well as in Hasa and Katif was extremely
                    good. In consequence, however, of the insecurity of the trade-routes, the Hasa
                    growers were very late in getting their surplus supplies down to the coast and up to
                                                PUBLIC HEALTH.
                        The health of all parts of the Agency was good throughout the year, the only
                    notable who has died being Shaikh Subah bin Hamud, a cousin of the Chief who
                    used to show him special consideration as being the only member of the family of
                    greater age than himself.
                        On the 9th November 1906, advantage was taken of the presence of the
                    Political Resident in the Persian Gulf—who had come to deliver personally to Khan
                    Sahib Haji Abbas the Sanad of his title from the Government of India — to hold a
                    public meeting for the opening of the Victoria Memorial Charitable Hospital.
                    Nearly all the contributors to the Rs. 21,000 which the construction had cost, were
                    present on the occasion, as were also the Chief of Bahrain and his sons, though these
                    nave subscribed nothing to the institution. After the Resident had delivered
                    a short extempore speech, the leading Arab merchant, Haji Muqbil adh Dhakair read
                    a reply expressing gratitude to the British Government for their interest in and
                    protection of Bahrain and wishing long life to the Ruler, Shaikh Esa bin Ali.
                        On the 12th January 1907, Assistant Surgeon Ohulam Husain Monani, L.M.S.,
                    arrived from Plague duty at Parantij (Ahmedabad District) and assumed charge o
                    the Victoria Memorial Hospital. The average daily attendance from this date to
                   the 31st March 1907 was about 30, and the popularity of the institution seems to be
                                                      Ail interest in the case   of Shaikh Ali
                                Political.          bin Ahmad, the exile, seems now   to have
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