Page 516 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 516


                          GULF ON THE WORKING OF THE (1) RESIDENCY HOSPITAL,
                          (2) QUARANTINE ADMINISTRATION FOR THE YEAR 1910.

                          During the year 1910, the hospital has treated 13,045 out-patients, 49
                                                    patients have been under treatment in
                                                    the hospital, and • 389 operations have
                      been performed. The Nastin treatment for leprosy has also been continued
                      during the year. Ten patients have been under treatment by this method
                      with encouraging results.
                          The health of the Gulf Ports during the year has been satisfactory with
                                                    the exception of an outbreak of plague
                              Sanitary Operations.
                                                    at Bushire from 28th March to 1st Jufly
                      during which period there were 62 cases and 46 deaths.
                          Great difficulty was experienced with the populace in connection with
                      the detection of cases. On the one hand nervous busybodies constantly
                      reported that “ a case of plague is being concealed in so and so’s house ” and
                      it was difficult to ignore such reports. On the other hand, householders
                      strongly resented their houses being visited.
                          There was also an outbreak of cholera at Mohammerah lasting from
                      3rd November to the 22nd November during which period there were 61 cases
                      with 22 deaths.
                          During the year a quarantine station has been built at Bahrain with
                      accommodation for 1st, 2nd and 3rd class passengers.
                          The following table will show the work carried out during the year :—

                                 Table shoving the working of the Quarantine Stations for 1910.
                                                                      NlTMBEB OP rABSEKOEBS
                                                  Number  Number of crew   INSPECTED
                                 8TATI05.          of      inspected
                                                 steamer*  on bo&rd.
                                                                     On Board.  For Port.

                      Bushire                       323     23,715    21,551      4,398
                      Mohammer&h                    243     19,626     18,184     3,411
                      Bandar Abbas                  181     14,648     9,181      2,468
                      Lingah .                      138     10,999     9,672      2,265
                      Jmak .                         69      8,467     3,056       428

                                       Total        954     77,456     61,644    12,970

                                             C. B. McCONAGHY, M.B., Captain,
                                                  Residency Surgeon and Chief Quarantine
                                                               Officer in the Persian Gulf,
   511   512   513   514   515   516   517   518   519   520   521