Page 518 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 518


                                       LING AH, FOR.THE YEAR 1910.

                          Deputy Governors— There have been many changes of Deputy Governors
                                                    during the year, which is detrimental to
                                Local Official*.
                                                    the satisfactory settlement or proper
                                                    attention to local cases.
                          At the beginning of the year Ikhtedar-e-Nizam was Deputy Governor.
                      He was relieved by Mirza Mahmud, Shirazi, at the end of February, who
                      retained the office until September when he was seized and made a prisoner,
                      for, it was alleged, attempting to shoot His Excellency the Darya Begi, but
                      it is thought that His Excellency was liberally bribed by the merchants of
                      Lingah to remove Mirza Mahmud. Ikhtedar-e-Nizam was re-appointed
                      Deputy Governor in October and was dismissed in December for allowing the
                      British force to land and assist in the defence of the town against an expected
                      attack by Warawis.
                          Mansvr-i-Diwan was appointed Deputy Governor, in December, and has
                       retained the appointment up to the close of the year.
                          Karguzars.—At the beginning of the year the post was vacant.
                          Wasook-es-Sultan was appointed Karguzar in April. He died on the
                       10th October, and the duties were carried on by his son, Muhammad Hussein,
                       whose appointment was officially recognized in November. Muhammad
                       Hussein retained the appointment up to the end of the year.
                           Turkish.—Khan Bahadur Agha Bader, British Residency Agent, was
                             Foreign Famuli™.        in charge o£ Turkish interests till April,
                                                     when he was relieved by Mr. V lce-
                       Consul New who retained charge till the end of .the year.
                           Russian.—Sadeed-es-Sultan, Agent of the Russian Consulate-General,
                       visited Lingah for a fortnight in December.
                           Maskat and Oman.—Muhammad Tahnun has retained the position of
                       Agent to His Highness the Sultan of Maskat, throughout the year.
                           Anjuman.—A local assembly of self-anpointed merchants and shop­
                                                     keepers, known as the Anjuman Baladi,
                               Local GcrornitenL
                                                     with Abbas Ali, local representative
                       of Messrs. Jamshidian & Co. at its head, held meetings at the com­
                       mencement of the year. In February the assembly were invited by His
                       Excellency the Darya Begi to appoint and send a representative to Bushire,
                       but this was not done.
                           In June His Excellency the Darya Begi officially recognized the existence
                       of the assembly, to work in co-operation with the Deputy Governor, and to
                       transact Municipal business. Something was done towards cleaning the
                       roads, a small house-tax being levied to cover the expenses, but, in October,
                       the assembly was dismissed, since when no meetings have been held.
                           Early in the year many members of the so-called Anjuman Baladi took
                       possession of plots of land for building, to the north of the town, which were
                       carefully marked off with stones.
                           Monsieur Arma/nd CaterseU was in charge of the Customs Administra­
                                                     tion np to the middle of September
                                   Cub tom*.
                                                     when he proceeded home. He waf
                       relieved by Monsieur Lecan-es-Sultan. formerly interpreter, who has held
                       charge up to the end of the year.
                           Tariff.—The Customs Administration were desirous of arriving at some
                       means  of attracting trade to this Port and, in July, a meeting of merchants
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