Page 523 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 523

POLITICAL RESIDENCY FOR 1910.               27

                Resident's Visits.—The Resident visited Lingah, on the 29th March,
            when Mr. R. H. New was installed as Vice-Consul, and again in the middle
            of August.
                Admiral's Visit.—Admiral Sir Edmond Slade, M.V.O., K.C.I.E., arrived
            by R. 1. M. S. “ Lawrence ” from Bassiduh, on the 6th December, and left the
            same evening for Bushire.
                Other Visitors.—Captain S. G. Craufurd, D.S.O., Gordon Highlanders,
            visited Lingah in May and again in October, making a stay of 13 days on his
            last visit.
                Mr. Grcgson, Superintendent of Police, visited Lingah in May and also
            in November, when he went to Debai.
                Navy and Marine.—From April to August H. M. S. 44 Sphinx ” was in
            charge of the Arms Traffic operations in the vicinity of Lingah, assisted by
            His Majesty’s armed launches “ Karanja,” “ Panther ” and 44 Tamil,*’ during
            which .time these ships constantly visited the port. During the latter part
            of the year H. M. S.44 Odin ” took up the Lingah patrol, assisted by H. M. S.
            “ Muzbee ” and visits to Lingah were constantly made. H. M. S. “ Fox "
            visited the port in May, June and October, making a stay of 23 days on her
            last visit. Other of His Majesty’s Ships which visited the port during the
            year were “ Redbreast ” twice, 4‘ Espiegie ” twice, “ Hyacinth ” three visits,
            “ Philomel ” twice, “ Alert ” one visit, fe. I. M. S. “ Lawrence ” three visits,
            and R. I. M. S. Minto ” five visits.
                The total number of visits made by His Majesty’s Ships from April to
            the end of the year were 78.
                Consulate Guard.—A Guard of one Niak and nine sepoys of the 117th
            Mahrattas arrived from Jask on the 25th October, and remained up to the end
            of the year.
                Quarantine.—Assistant Surgeon R. S. Smith was in charge of the qua-
                        McdicaL             rantfne arrangements up to the end of
                                           October when he was relieved by
            Assistant Surgeon W. H. K. Brumby.
                Public. Iicalth.—Small-pox was present during the spring in an endemic
            form, but there has been no serious epidemic during the year.
                Charitable Dispensary.—The average daily attendance during the year
             was 22-S3, the most common diseases being ch’ronic ulcers, malarial fevers,
             and guinea-worm. Several cases of Bright’s disease were also attended.
                                                           R. H. NEW,
                                        Dis Britannic Majesty's Vice-Consul and
                                                      Assistant Resident, Lingah.
             The 10th April 1911.

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