Page 522 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 522
The Shaikhs on the Shib Kuh Coast were warned against fostering
Afghans or implicating themselves in the traffic, but they undoubtedly profit
by it, and naturally endeavour to suppress information of landings in their
districts. A check has been kept of Afghans passing through Lingah, the
total numbering 59 during the year, who mostly arrived by land from Bandar
Abbas. Many cross by boat to the Arab Coast and others purchase what
rifles they can locally.
The district of Lingah and Shib Kuh is not favourably situated, from
an Afghan gun-runner’s point of view, on account of its inaccessibility, and it
is not thought .that the traffic will develop to any great extent in this quarter.
In November it was reported that Messrs. R. Wonckhaus & Co.,
Haji Abdurahman Kazim, and Abdulla Giladari, had formed a Syndicate
for the purpose of trading in arms, but since then no further particulars
about the combination have come to light.
During the year 26 slaves took refuge in the Vice-Consul ate. One appli
cation was refused, and 17 were manu
Slave Traffic.
mitted, while 2 disappeared during
enquiry into their cases. The remaining 6 cases are still pending enquiry.
Messrs. Gray Paul & Co.—Mr. J. Daniels was in charge of the firm up
to the end of June, when he was relieved
British Interests.
•by Mr. D. Hart. As Commission
Agents the firm’s business at Lingah has increased considerably during the
year, in the latter part of which a number of additional clients have been
acquired, many of whom formerly dealt exclusively with the German firm.
Arrangements arc being made and every facility offered, for the firm to
participate in the pearl shell trade during the coming season.
Messrs. R. Wonckhaus & Co.—Mr. Brown, a British subject, who has
been in charge of the firm at Lingah for
Foreign Interests.
many years, left for Basrah early
in March. The management, devolved on Ilcrr II. Rosenfcld who was absent
on leave from June to December, being relieved in the meantime by Herr
Krumpeter. Mr. Randall, a British subject, who is an assistant in the firm,
has been here throughout the year. Air. Brown visited Lingah for a fort
night in November. The firm are Agents of the Hamburg Amcrika Steam
Ship Company. Their export trade is in pearl shells, asafoetida and linseed,
while imports are chiefly sugar, kerosine oil and vermicelli.
The firms business shows a very big decline during the last half-year
Practically nothing was imported, and their exports amount to only one
quarter of the quantity shipped during the first half-year.
Hamburg Amerika Steam Ship Co.—During the year 10 steamers from
Hamburg called at the port, bringing a total of 11,806 packages.
On the homeward voyage only 6 of these steamers called, the total cargo
shipped being 5,895 packages, which includes 5,447 bags of pearl shells.
Russian Steam Navigation Co.—Four steamers from Odessa called at
the port during the year, bringing a total of 69 packages.
These four steamers also called on the homeward voyage, the total cargo
shipped being 2,201 packages, which includes 1,444 bundles of tobacco for
His Majesty's Vice-Consul.—Mr. R. H. New joined his appointment on
the 29th March and retained charge for the remainder of the year.
Tours by Vi-ce-Consul.—His Majesty’s Vice-Consul made a tour, in No
vember, by ft. M. S. *’ Odin,” visiting toe Islands of Abu Musa, Gaiz, and
Shaikh Sbuaib,- and the Shib Kuh-poets of Miigam, Kalat, Cbarak and Moghu.
Eis Majesty’s Vice-Consul also went to Debai in the R. I. M. S. “ M'into
?nd was absent from head-quarters from the 28th December to the 3rd Janu
ary 1911.