Page 517 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 517


                                       TABLE No. I.
       Table showing the force and prevailing directions of the wind and recorded rainfall at Bus hire for the year
                    5                    Pebckntaob op eaoii diebctioh.
                    a s
         Month*.                                                                Rain.
                    •g.2       w       w    w     w
                    S3   A     ’ A  w  xi      W  tfj   c/5  Is  c/5  •A  *  *
                             a  55  •A  X  w  w  co­  co  V.  co  co  * *  is  A  A
          1910.                                                                In. Ct*.
      ternary .     240-4  S3  7  12  7  12  3  3                   3    7  23  2-88
      February      247   14  3  8  8  14  3  8  3                  3   25  11   •58
      March         246-2  20  3  13  3  15     7                       26  13  303
      April         233   20    3      10    3     3  3  3  8  3    8   33   8
      *»7           2411  15  7  10  7  7       3             10  3  13  25
      Jooe          2481  27    3.              3     3     3  7  10  20  24
      Joly          207 1  3    7   10    3  7  15  7       3  7  3  22  10  3
      l0£TUt        220   6  6  3  24     6  6  3                3  10  21  12
      September     2186  9  7  7   3  17  13  7  3                     17  17
      October .     198  16  10  13  21  3  7  10  3                     7  10
      SoTcmber      178-8  13  13  13  21  11  3  3           3          7  13   •30
      Ztoeember     182-8  6  6  10  16  3  10  3  3                    27  fa  11-50

       For tho year  221’8  14-3 6-2  t»-6  10 77  3  4-6  4  1  0 6  02  0-8  26  1-6  6-6   191  10*6  13-29
                                                                  Inches. Conta.
                                   ("1901-1902  .                   3     10
                                   1902-1903  .                     10    86
                                   | 1903-1904  .                   6     26
             Rainfall daring cultivation season of   ^ 1004-1906  .  9     6
                                   I 1906-1906 .                    7     36
                                   j 1906-1907 .                    8     94
                                   U007-1H08  .                     6     92
             Rainfall daring nino months (April to December) 1908   1     98
             Rainfall during 1909 ......                            14    26
             Rainfall during 1910 ......
                                                                    18    29
                                      TABLE No. 2.
     lbitracl fret* meteorological observations for the year ending 31st December 1910 taken at the Residency
                                       Observatory.                                J
                     Reading             SELF-REGISTERING THERMOMETER.
                    op Uauo-  Bulb.  Wbt
                     XBTBB.        Bulb.                            Day or days  Day or days
                                          Maxi mux Dby.  Minimum Dbt.  on which   on which
          Months.                                                   temperature  temperature
                     Mean.  Mean.  Mean.  Moan.  Highest.  Moan.  Lowest  of air   of air
                                                                     highest  -lowest
                     8i.B.  8 i.U.  8 4. M.  8 A. H.  8 A. M.  8 A, M.  8 A.M.
     January          30166   63*6   61-6   63-4   72-8
     February         30-128   67-1  64-6   67     76-6  60-3   39     7th     14th
     March            30 068   695   66-8   67-4   752   66-3   47-4  21st     24th
     April            30-002   70-7  64-6   77-1   92           48 2  10th     14th
     Hay              29-972  81-2   711    87-6         65-6   65-2   15th    3rd
     Juno             29- 688   846  792    89-2   988   76-4   68-2  10th     4th
     July             29 044   898   80-9   95           792    711   10th     2nd
     August           29678   00-7   82     96-8  100-8  831    78    16 th    11th
     September        20760   86-0   78-3   926          86-7   79-2 14th and 20th  7th
     October          30- 062   77-0  71b   8fi-4  93-7  7a-7   72    12th     26th
     NoTcmbcr         30-100   64*2  69-6   77-6  92     71*2   00-9  11th     31st
     December         30-226  54-4   623    62    83-6   62     43-9  1st and 2ud  10th
         For the year  29-9   72-4   669    802   103    67-8   39   16th July  14th January,
   512   513   514   515   516   517   518   519   520   521   522