Page 533 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 533

POLITICAL RESIDENCY FOR 1010.               37
                                             The statement below gives p articulars
                                           of the cases of slave dealing reported
            during the period under report:—
                    D»to.                 Prom    To      By         Remarks.
                              Mnlo. Female.

            25tb October 1910        8    Tank  Burkch  Qocgoozar.
            7th Notomber 1910        8    Il&bt  Mnakat  Jamal of Qohcrt  Brought from Bint.
            10th NoTeinbcr 1910 .  3  4   Pazim  Burkch  Lai Mohammad   Boat belonged to Gndam
                                                        Ubai Khan.  of Tank.
                The Afghan gun merchants who came down last winter stayed in the coun­
                                            try far into the summer of this year,
                                            hoping that the blockade would be re­
             laxed in the hot weather, and thus allow them to successfully run their rifles
             across the Gulf. It was not until the end of June that the country was practi­
             cally clear, even then a few stayed over till the autumn. This winter only two
             small parties of Afghans are reported to have arrived, and they have not yet
             come quite down to the coast.
                There has been a good rainfall throughout the country during December,
                        Rainfall.           and ^ ^ continues during the next two
                                            months, the coming year should be an
             exceptionally prosperous one.
                                                 DOUGLAS W. GUMBLEY,
                                               Officer in. charge, Jask Sub-Division.
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