Page 534 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 534
Mohammerah.—Lieutenant A. T.
British and Foreign Consular Appointments. Wilson, I.A., officiated as Consul for
Arabistan throughout the year.
A hiMz.—Lieutenant J. Q. L. ^Ranking, I.A., held the office of Vioe-Con-
sul for Arabistan with the local rank of Consul at Ahwaz throughout the
M. Gratama, Honorary Dutch Consul at Ahwaz, officiated in addition as
Russian Consular Agent at Ahwaz till 19th April when M. P. ter Meulen re
turned, .and rtook charge of the Dutch Consulate from that date, M. Gratama
proceeding to Europe.
The:proposal of the French Government to place a French Consular Agent
at Mohammerah did not mature, M. Brasseur having declined the honour.
The rumoured .intention of the Turkish Government to place a Turkish
Consul at Mohammerah was not confirmed during the year, though it is under
stood that.the step was recommended by the Wali of Basrah to the attention of
the Porte.
Fakhr-ul-Mulk remained Governor of Arabistan throughout the year,
but his authority was scarcely more than
Local Authorities.
nominal, even within the towns of
Shushtar and Dizful. He was represented at the latter place by A. Rahim,
Bakhtiari, whose sedulous efforts to raise the Arab tribes of N. Arabistan
Against Shaikh Khazal are mentioned elsewhere. Shaikh Kasib Khan, Nus-
rat-ul-Mulk, remained Governor of Nasiri throughout the year, and gave
satisfaction. Shaikhs ’Abdul Majid and ’Abdullah, little sons of the Shaikh
were nominally the Governors of Fallakiyah and Hindijan respectively.
Ittila-ed-Dowleh remained Karguzar of Arabistan throughout the year.
Shaikh Khazal Khan, Sardar Arfa, was Governor of Moharomerah and
Shaikh of Mohammerah—relations with dependencies throughout the year, which
British Government. WOS a nota|,le one jn many ways in
the annals of Mohammerah, and marked by great political activity.
On October 15th he was formally invested with the insignia of a K.C.I.E.,
by the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf who came up from Bushire in
H. M. S. Redbreast for the purpose. On the morning of the 15th the a Red
breast anchored off Fallahiyah, and Shaikh Kasib came off to call on the
Resident, leaving the ship under a salute of five guns. About 10 a.m., the
Resident left H. M. S. “ Redbreast,” under a salute of 13 guns, and proceeded
to the palace accompanied by His Majesty’s Consul and the Commander and
officers of H. LI. S. ‘ Redbreast.” Full dress was worn. He was received on
landing by His Excellency Shaikh Khazal Khan and by the Karguzar. The
European community were present, as well as the headmen of the tribes and
other local notables.
After addressing the Shaikh briefly in English for the benefit of the Euro
pean community, who were all present, his remarks were afterwards read in
Persian by the dragoman, and the Resident then invested the Shaikh with the
badge and star of the order. The Shaikh was in Arab costume. Haji Rais
replied in Persian on behalf of the Shaikh returning thanks for the honour
conferred on him.
. A® soon Excellency had been invested, a salute of 12 guns was fired
in his honour by H. M. S. “ Redbreast/’ and answered by the Shaikh’s artillery.