Page 531 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 531
After the deportation of Mir Barkat, in March last, the Biyaban district
was practically divided into two, Mir
Jask and Biyaban District.
Haji taking from Kuh Mainai to Boon-
daran, and Mir Mustapha from Kuh Mubarak to Melakani Chedak.' Mir
Barkat’s subjects felt convinced that the Darya Bcgi would let Barkat return
from'Bandar Abbas, but when they realised that he was really a prisoner in
BushirC, they decided that their pnlv chance of helping Barkat was to get the
country into such a lawless state'that Government would permit Barkat to
return to restore order. With this in view, Dadulla, Seyyid Abdul’ Rahim,
Abdulla Dervish, and several others of Barkat’s followers induced Mir
Mustapha to leave Old Jask, on 15th May, and to throw in his lot with them.
They intended existing by raiding and told Mir Mustapha that if he did not
join them, Mir Barkat would certainly be revenged on his return. The day
after Mustapha left Old Jask, the Jask detachment of the 117th Mahrattas
marched through the place, and by thus showing that we intended protecting
it, they prevented any raiding in the immediate vicinity. Jemadar Dilmorad
succeeded in bringing Mir Mustapba into Jask, on 17th June, when he express
ed sorrow for what he had done. Mir Mustapha seemed to recognise that he had
been ill-advised by Dadulla and he was asked to bring him in. He expressed
his willingness, but it soon became apparent that he was reluctant to do so.
Hisson Clierag was therefore kept in the compound at Jask and Mir Mus-
tapha was told that his son would not be given his liberty till Dadulla was pro
duced; this had the desired effect, and Dadulla was brought in by Mir Mus
tapha on 7th July. Dadulla was sent down to India as a prisoner, but, on
August the 25th, I heard quite by chance that he was at large in Karachi, and
intended returning to Jask by the mail which was about to leave. This in
formation was wired to the Political Agent. Maskat, who was fortunately able
to arrange that he should not land at Jask but go on to Lingah. Mir Barkat
escaped from.Bushire at the end of August during the absence of the Darya
Begi in -Taiigistan. He travelled overland and was accompanied by one of
his slaves; tnev reached Kuhistak at the end of September and went to his
home at jJagdan jn Bashkard. Soon after Barkat’s return, Seyyid Abdulla
with 15 of ..Barkat’s men rushed Mir .Kamber’s house at Tajak at dawn one
morning, severely wounding Mir Kamber and killing four of his slaves.
During September Barkat’s adherents formed two parties, one under Abdulla
Dervish and Seyyid Abdulla, and the other under Yar Muhammad, Muham
mad Abdu.Nabbi, and Noor Muhammad. The former threatened old Jask
but owing to some support being given to Mir Mustaph'a and the inhabitants
of old .Jask, they contented themselves with looting 100 goats, 4 camels, 20
cows, 2 donkeys and the contents of two huts between Zaraki and Soorkoh.
The latter party were reported by Mir Haji to have looted 1,000 maunds o'f
wheat, 500 bustas of dates, 100 goats and to have burnt twenty huts near
Sarzh^i. Mir.Barkat seems to have come down to Biyaban with a large
following, but at this distance I have been unable to gather information which
is sufficiently, accurate to record, regarding Barkat’s doings and the attempt to
catch . rum. at Sarzeh at the end of December. The situation in Biyaban
cannot be said to be satisfactory and there is little hope of its being improved
until. Mir Barkat is either recognised or removed.
On the 4th April 200 Bashkardies attacked about .650 Afghans at Sarzeh,
he latter had tw6 wounded whilst the former lost twelve killed and two cap
tured, .these two were afterwards killed ind bnttit. ^
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