Page 558 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 558


                   Jhir*cl table of eepori to principal conntrieo from all the Porte before opeci fled for
                                       peare 1695, 1896, and 1897—contracted.

                                             .IBM.            IBM.            lew.
                   FzUctpuJ wtlrlM aa4 priauli el ouuw-
                       IriM to which exports*.
                                        Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value,  Quantity.  Value.
                                                   K               R               A
                   Rtbiko and Coloubiho Ha       63,470   ...             • H
                      United Kingdom •                             11»              820
                      India    •   •                             19,356           14,167
                      Arab Coaat   •   •                         10,400           6,800
                      Turkey   •   •                             80,828           84,862
                      Hut at   •   •                              4,000            8,600
                      Persian Porta ••   •                        2.3K0           8,609
                      Bahrein   ••   •                            1,608           6,616
                      Kgjpt    «   •      —
                   Fscirs and Vboitablis        12,65,330
                      United Kingdom •                           38,420           11,798
                      India    •   •                                             6,66,169
                      Turkey   ••   •     Me                                      25,646
                      Arab Coaet  • *   •                                         21,430
                      Persian Porta .   •                                         7,780
                      Uaekat                                                      17,636
                      Bahrein                                                     14,877
                      Zamibar                                                      8,000
                   Fctl                          29.000
                      Turkey   %                                  3.000
                      Persian Porta %                             4.000            6,000
                      Arab Coast   •                              6.000            8,000
                      Bahrein   •                                                  2,000
                   GutlH AND PoLSB              2-1,17,480
                      United Kingdom                             26,588
                      India                                        515              652
                      Turkey •»                                 6,87,614         7,20,369
                      Persian Porta .                           1,62.866         2,17,607
                      Waskat                                    1,52.937         1,57,900
                      Arab Coast   »•                           3,66,776         4,00,510
                      Bahrein                                      493            13,600
                   Gc*                           1,24,280
                      United Kingdom                              36.773          8S.500
                      India                                       63,018         1,05,916
                      France   •                                  1,785           10p6t»
                      Germaay   »                                   63
                      Turkey                                       459             6,610
                      JkjP*                                       1,616            2,100
                      Haakat   • •                                                   24
                    HaBDWaBB AND CoTLBBT          21,460
                      Turkey   .                                  13,000          11,990
                      Persian Porta  •   •                        14,050          12,230
                      Arab Coaat   ,   .                          6,710            B,2b0
                      Haakat                                      6,000            3.500
                       Bahrein   -   .                                             1.500
                    Hides and Skihb              2,91,640
                      India    •                                 8,00,115        3,69,580
                       Arab Coaat «                               9,450             600
                       Turkey                                     8,663
                       IIaskat   •                                6,950            1,200
                       Persian Porta                              6,100            6,160
                       German-                                     108
                       United 1  Lem                                                623
                    Jbwvllbbt   .         • ••    19,620  •••             •••
                       United Kingdom                             12,954           2,128
                       Belgium   .                                2,040
                       India                      •M               163            29,690
                       Bgypt              1M                       2',4
                    JffVl AND Manofactcbbb   •••  20,000
                       Persian Porta .   •                        20,000          23,300
                       Haakat   .   .     • ••                    4,000            3,600
                       Arab Coaat   •                                              4,000
                       Tnrkey   •         •••                                      8,930
                       ludia    •   •     • M     •mo                              SAW
   553   554   555   556   557   558   559   560   561   562   563