Page 561 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 561


           Abstract table of export to principal countries from alt the Ports before specified for the
                              pears 1695,1896, and 1897—concluded.

                                     ISM.            1800.            leer.
           Principal article* and principal coos-
               trim to which exported.
                                Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Valus.

                                          R               R               R
           Woollen Goods—cotUi
              Larnaca                                     1,088
              Algiers .   •                                 644
              Persian Ports .                             28,778          *27,650
              Switzerland •                                 266           • ••
              Zanzibar •                                  1.600            2,200
              Hnskat •   •                                9.000           30,400
              Arab Coset •                       •••      28,630          12,330
              Bahrein                                     6.000           18.000
              Dutch Colony                                                 1,000
           Abticlbs not oruciriBD
            above .       • .  .         4/)0,290
              United Kingdom                              33,387          3*6,516
              France •   .               •••                61    fee
              Germany   •        •••     IM                 34
              Belgium   •                                   266
              India •   .                                 13,221          24,700
              Tarkey •   •                               1,17,936         63,820
              Egypt .   •                • ••             8,036            3,878
              Persian Ports                               43,4-43         21,983
              Maskat •   .               • M              26,409          22,643
              Bahrein •   .                               5,606           22,829
              Arab Coast                                  2,110           10,386
              Zanzibar   •                       Ml       1,000            2,500
              Austria .                                                     250
           Specie                       61,36,060
              United Kingdom                              18,190           1,600
              India •   .                 • ••          16,05.703       16,57,734
              Turkey .   •                              10,91,644   • ••  9.13.300
              Persian Ports .                            4.93,600        4.81,620
              Maikat •   .                               3.01,105        3,03,400
              Bahrein   .                        V       1,49,735        2.66.300
              Arab Coast .        IM                    17,79,000       18,63,000
              Zanzibar   •                       Ml        3,COO           3,000
             Total of all articles     4,03,54,890     3,81,12,051     3,45,15,638

           Total value op exports to
             principal countries—
              United Kingdom            29,45,290       18 94,618       16,22,523
              India .   .              1,43,41,210     1,31.84,401     1,13,73,498
              Turkey .   •   •          39,75,050       32,94,386       34,33,000
              Ecvpt .   .   .            8,35,110        6,11,161        2,76.635
              China                     40,42.080       32.00,664       36,12,160
              Other European Countries    28,640  Ml
              Fraooe . .   >                              2*0,417         *40,723
              Germany   .   •                             3,280   • M     12,485
              Belgium   .   .                             7,242           • ••
              Austria .   •   •                  —        6,763             250
              Haakat .   .   .           6,59,980        9,63,196        9,94,134
              Bahrein   •   ■
                 and           }         1,02,690                         • M
              Arab Coast
              Bahrein                     69,600         2,11.456        4,21,248
              Arab Coast                32,26,640       28,10,412       31,90,695
              Persian Ports            1,03,13,670     1,19,51,495      ©4,89,102
              Algiers .                          • M        644
              America                                       459   Ml        110
              Switzerland                                   256
              Zanzibar                    26,130          26,311          3*882
              Malta .                     m      IM       28,136           6,302
              Larnaca •           •••                      7,966  • M      2,548
              Greece •                                    • ••    • M      4,928
              Dutch Colony                                                 1,000
              Russia •            »•«     •M              Ml                 15
                      Totit            4,08,64,890     3,81,12,061      3,45,15,538
   556   557   558   559   560   561   562   563   564   565   566