Page 563 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 563


         Abitract table of import/ info all the porte specified in lie Perrimn Gulf during lie gear* 1805, 1890,
                                     and Xb.97—continued.

                                      1895.             1896.              1897.
      Principal article* and principal oonntrioa
            from which Imported.
                                Quantity.  Yalua.  Quantity.  Value-  $Baatitj.  Vain*.
                                             R                R                   R
      CotTOK, RAW .                        1,07,100
       Persian Porta                                          57,770             oa.930
       India .   •                                            29,200             24,010
      Tin and Twist                        8,25,260
       India •   •                                           9,43,960           9.40.050
       Persian Porta                                          34,980             SO,740
       United Kingdom                                         1,440               2.800
      Datbi .   •                         10,05,130
       Turkey                                                5JB2JGO   •••      7.36,400
       Haile at                                              2,70000            2,80,000
       Persian Porta                                         139.670            2,34,090
       Arab Coast .                                           12X300
       Bahrein                                                40J0Q0             640300
       India •                                                                     no
      Date juicb                   • ••     •r
       Turkey                                                                    16.450
       Persian Porta                                                              3300
       ilaskat                                                                    2.500
       Bahrein                                                                    1,600
      Paros and Medicines                  2,27,740
       United Kingdom •                                       15.150             22,170
       Persian Porta                                          S3210              28330
       Turkey   .   .                                         6.4'fl              4.9&0
       India ...                                             1.30 570           3L.36.i90
       China ...                                                                  5,2SO
       Fr*uce .                                               *«                 16,400
       Bclginra   •   .                                       8,500
       Genuauy   •   .                                                           *2,600
      Dyking and colcbiko uatebulb         1,25,940
       United Kingdom .   .   .                               11.223             32,686
       India .....                                            47^3              1,03,0.46
       Persian Porta .                                        29JS0              31.760
       Uaskat   ....                                          1,^00 ]             3,130
       Turkey   ....                                                               500
       China.........................................                              160
       Zonzib;ir   ....                                                            250
      Kabtiienwabb (Pottery)                10,300
       Persihu Porta .                                                           1UKX)
       Has Vat                              •to                                   1,000
      Fbdits and Veobtadlbs                 05,560
       Persian Porta   .                                      rttAflD            64J070
       India .   .   •                                            ]               3a*x>
       Turkey   .                                              500                1.000
       11 askat   .                                      !   «jo<»               lUOO
       Bahrein   . •                                                             ZflOO
     Fdbl •                                2,09,400
       United Kingdom                       8M                                   19.250
       India                                •••              .2*3*               18.400
       Persian Porta                                        Uti&e               1.4*010
       Turkey                                                 DS30               6.600
       Maakat •                                               5000               4250
       Arab Coast .                                                               16)
     Fobxitubb   .   •                      95,030
       India .   .   •                                       46260               4U10
       Franoe   .                                            2U&0
       Turkey                     •••                          ISO               1-000
       Persian Porta •                                                           4000
       United Kingdom .
     Glass and Glasb-wabb                   78,620
       United Kingdom .                                      vtts                l<Wio
       Belgium     •                                •we        8»
       India .   •   •                                       S*'^6               40,315
       Austria   •   •                                                           6,510
       France .   •   •                                                          4,690
       Turkey   •   •                                                              250
       Persian Ports •
   558   559   560   561   562   563   564   565   566   567   568