Page 559 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 559


           AiUracl table of erpnrt to principal co**lrin from all lk« Port* bifort tpeoified for tie ferr*
                                 1895, 1806, and 1897—continued.
                                      lm.             ISM.            18*7.
           Prlnelp*) article* an4 principal sown*
               Iim io «Uck •sported,
                                Quantity.  ▼aloa.  Qaantlty,  Yalaa.  Quantity.  Valoa.
                                          R                               B
           Limoks (dbt)                   18.000                  •••
             . Tarker                                                     12,250
              Arab Coa-i                                                  3.000
              Persian Ports                                               6.000
           Mats a*d Mat Baoi             10,000
              Persian Ports .     •••                             • ••    4,050
              India'   •                                  o’,000          6,100
              Bahrein   •                                                 1,800
              Turkey   •                                  *3,800          3.000
              Arab Cowt                                   3.000           6.000
              Raakat                                      1.000           24300
           Vitals                         47,300
              Turkey                                      10,800          14,280
              Persian Porto                               18,630          12,950
              Arab Coast                                 10,470           11,680
              Ainslat                                     6,700           44500
           Oils                           66,250
              Tnrkey                                     19,650           22,270
              M&f-knt                                     14,000          114HX)
              Persian Ports                              11.200           21,090
              Arab Co.«si                                 8,920           20,330
           Opicx                        41,79.800
              Doited Kindora      •••                   10,11,416       4,87,COO
              China                   I                 32,00,664       36,12,160
              Eprpt                                      29,700           33,120
              Hast at                                     2,700           Sta
              Turkey                                                       140
              A nib Coast                                                  200
              India                                                       6,520
              Germany                                                      920
           PSABIS                     ; 1.60,28,000               • M
              India                                     87,02.500       70.72,600
              P-i»iao Ports                            1,02,84.500      76,63,000
              Turkey                              see    20.000         348,000
              Arab Coast                                 25,000           65,000
           PziFCMEBT                     1,43,950
              United Kingdom                                425             480
              India .   .                                1,30,860         67,612
              Tnrker .                                     4,689           5,803
              A mb Coast   •                               6,272           4,230
              Maakst .   .                                 4,067            941
              Zanzibar   ,                                 6,726           9.0S2
              Persian Ports  •                            4,979            3,935
              Etrypt .         J :                          68
              Bahrein .   .    ;                            255            1,600
           PlOYiaiOSS .                  4,82,490                           275
              United Kingdom                     v          120
              India •   .                                 45,852          14,953
              Tnrkey .                                    69,656          72,840
              Egypt .          '                            34
              Persian Ports .                             47,693          64,497
              Arab Coast   •   1                          81,225          74,380
              Msikat .   •                                15,731          24,526
              Bahrein                             is*     12,646          14£00
              Russia •   •                                • M     ««S        15
              Zanzibar   .                                                 Looo
           8aLT .                         88,000
              India •                                     61,000          76.000
              Alaskat .                                   12,000          15.000
              Zanzibar                                    4,000            5,000
                                         1,91,030         •••
              United Kingdom                               1,786           8/478
              India «   •                                1,63,466        102.393
              Germany   •                                   102            WOT
              Maskat .                                    2,061             S48
              Persian Ports .                             2,054   •ee      8.859
              Arab Coast   -                              4,000            8,000
              Bahrein .   •                                 238             362
              Turkey •                                      68             2,610
                                                                         K 2
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