Page 760 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 760

                     Notwithstanding this unsatisfactory attitude toward^ the authority of the
                 Persian Qovernmont the Zargham is a capable ruler, maintains'good order and
                 prevent robberies.
                     No steps were taken during the year to re-establish the authority of the
                                                 Persian Government in this district and
                          Persian DalacbiiUn.
                                                it has continued ns before under the
                 independent rule of its various chiefs. The most influential of these,*Mir
                 Bahrain Khan of Bampur, on two occasions showed a desire to open up
                 relations with the Governor-General and proposed that he should bo recognized
                as Deputy Governor of Baluchistan and supported with a force of 200 Sarbazos
                and 2 guns. The Governor-General replied inviting him to meet the Deputy
                 Governor of Bam at Bam or in Narmashir to discuss matters but the meeting
                had not taken place up to the close of the year.
                    As already noted no Baluch raids into Narmashir took place during
                the year.
                    The remaining district Governorships were held as follows
                      Bafsiitfaji.—Rukn-us-Sultan and Zargbam-us-Sultan.
                      Khabis.—Mukhtar-ul-Mulk, head of KhanzadA family.
                      Jabal Bariz.—Adl-us-Sultan, brother of Sardar Nusrat.
                      Bardsir.—Hishmat-us-Sultan and Asaf-ul-Mulk.

                                         Condition of Roads.
                    The main routes in the province are—
                      (1) Bandar Abbas to Kerman vid Gakum and Saidabad.
                      (2)          >*            „ Daulatabad and Baft.
                      (3)                   1'.  „ Rudbar and Jiruft.
                      (4) Kerman to Yezd vid Bahramabad.
                      (5)         „ Meshed vid Rawar and Naiband.
                      («> »      „ Bam.
                    1.  Bandar Abbas-Oakum-Saidabad-Kerman.—This route is rarely used
                by other than South Persia Rifles' convoys owing to iti length and the
                scarcity of supplies and fodder. The Saidabad-Kerman section was kept in
                repair and fit for motor transport but no work was done on the Bandar.
                Abbas-Ab Mar  section which hald formerly been, passable for motors and
                which is now washed out and unfit for wheeled traffic/4
                    The headquarters of'the 2nd Infantry remained at S'nidabad during the
                year and detachments were provided from this regiment at Bandar Abbas and
                various points between Bandar Abbas and’ Saidabaa.
                    No robberies of any importance took place on this road during the period
                under report.
                    2.  Bandar Abbas-Baulatabad-Baft-Kerman.—This route , which is the
                shortest and best supplied is the one generally used by. merchant caravans
                except during the month or two that the passes are blocked by snow.
                    Owing to the maintenance of small parties of South Persia Rifles levies
                at important points along the route and the stern measures taken during the
                autumn of 1919 by Qawam-ul-Mulk for the punishment of the Pars robber
                bands who had been in the habit of raiding this road, no robberies occurred.
                    8• Bandar Abbas-Budbar-Jiruft-Kerman.—This route which is used
                when the Daiilatabad-Baft road is closed and to a certain extent at other
                times of year has also, thanks to the good order maintained by Zarghara-us-
                Sultaneh nu$to the ‘ presence of *a South Persia Rifles ‘detachment at Bamy
                been safe thioughout the year.
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