Page 765 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 765
Administration Report of the Mekran Coast for the year 1920.
Personal.—Mr. E. E. Gunter, O.B.E., Director, Indo-European Telegraph
Department, Persian Gulf Section, returned from combined leave to England
and took political charge of the Mekran Coast from Mr. S. N. Wilson, Officiating
Director, on 19th May 1920.
Qwi-nmning.—Thirty-seven rifles of various kinds and some ammunition
were reported as landed on the Mckran Coast during the year. A considerable
number of rifles—mostly *303 Service pattern have found their way into Mekran i
by country craft from Dubai and Minab. Very few, if any, Afghans came to
Mekran with the object of purchasing arms and ammunition as all those
imported find a quick sale and do not meet the demand in the country.
Persian Paluchistan.—Quarrels have occurred between the heads of the
different tribes inhabiting this part of Persia but no fighting on a large scale
was reported. Klialifah Khair Mohamed who was a source of great trouble
during the war has been quiet. It appears that ho has lost his influence among
the Baluchis. The chief events of the year arc enumerated below :—•
In January one Ghulam Mohamed of Khisig, a robber of some notoriety,
with a handful of followers appeared at Tczkopan near Charbar.
lie looted indiscriminately the money and goods of both the
people of Mckran and of British Indian Subjects and was a
considerable source of trouble to the people going to and coming
from Dashtyari. It is considered that by these depredations,
Ghuiam Mohamed was avenging the death of his uncle who was
killed by the subjects of Din Mohamed. The chiefs of the
district did not suppress the man and seemed afraid of him as he
was one of the Lieutenants of Mir Hoti of Lashar. He was
finally disposed of by Sirdar Hus-.tin Khan,
In August Sayed one of the Bind brothers who were implicated in the
shooting of the sepoys of the Charbar garrison in 1919, was
killed by the followers of M ir Din Mohamed. In this affair the
chief was assisted by Luloo, brother of the victim, with whom
he had a feud.
In October a Baluchi of Pashamug in Sirbaz district named Mohamed
Murad fired on a water party of the Charbar garrison (l-117lh
Malirattas) from a garden near the Telegraph Station. Two
sepoys were wounded and the attacker was killed. It is not yet
definitely known whether he had any associates or not. The
Intelligence Officer from Bushire came to Charbar and held an
enquiry into the matter.
Claims.—The claims amounting to Bs. 932 made by the British Indian
Subjects at Charbar for looting of their goods which followed the attack of
the Telegraph Station by the followers of the Khalifah Khair Mohamed in the
early part of May 1915, were settled by gradual deductions made from the
telegraph subsidies of Sirdar Husain Khan, Mir Mahmud Khan and Mir Din
Mohamed Khan.
Foreign Subjects.-—-No subjects of any European powers arrived at Charbar
during the year. Lieutenant Barbiroglio, Corpora! Farnoti and Private
Scarparolo of tl-.c Italian Air Force who came to Charbar in 1919 to construct
hangars for their incoming flying machines, left the place in May 1920.