Page 768 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 768

34                    ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF THE
                 His Highness tlic Sultan through the Political Agent. His Highness promised
                 that arrangements Mould be made to relieve Mohauied Reimoo of the charge
                 of the Customs Department and to place a Muscat Custom official in charge.
                     Slaves.—In December 1920, Mir Sublian Khan of Bahu, a chief subsidised
                 by the Telegraph Department, came to Gwadur to claim some slaves who had
                 belonged to his father and who had been living at Gwadur for many years.
                 He was informed by the Director that slaves once they were in Muscat
                 territory, were free and was advised not to create any trouble. On his way
                 back to Balm, his followers fired at the fort at Pcshkan near Gwadur, wound­
                 ing six men and carrying two men as prisoners. These were subsequently
                 released. Ils. 200 will be 'withhold from his telegraph subsidy on .this account
                 anil His Highness the Sultan of Muscat asked through His Britannic Majesty’s
                 Consul, Muscat as to its disposal.
                                                     E. E. GUNTER, Director,
                                                           Persian Gulf Telegraphs,
                                                       In Political Charge, Mekran Coast.
                 The 1st April 1921.

                    MR. F. HUGES* REPORT NO. 47, DATED 8TII JANUARY 19>1, ON TIIE

                                            Jask District.
                     This district continues to be administered by Mir Mustafa Khan who is
                 very weak and has no influence, his brothers and sous do just as they please
                 not only in extorting money from their own people but aRo in interfering with
                 Government servants.
                     Mir Burkat’s subjects have also been treated with little respect and fre­
                 quently looted by these people. MirBurkatout of regard for Mir Mustafa
                 Khan (for whom he has great regard), has refrained from taking measures but
                there seems no doubt that in the event of the latter’s death, Mr. Burkat will
                take steps and punish them and take over the Jask district when it is hoped
                that there will ho little, if any, trouble in this respect. Mir Hoti of Jask, a
                brother chief of Mir Mustafa Klrnn, has very little influence in the district
                but gives us no trouble and as far as he is able does his best to look after our
                                          Biyaban District.
                    Mir Burkat Khan is still the Kalantcr of this district. Nothing of im­
                portance has been reported. Mir Burkat is still disposed to be friendly with
                                            Gaih District.
                    The Sirdar of this district is Husain Khan. He is still very young and
                impulsive. He is still trying to manage his own affairs after being badly
                served by his previous guardians Mohamed Khan of Eanuch and later by his
                uncle (Mudat Khan). Mir Din Mohamed Khan of Dashtyari still appears to
                bit the incst influential chief and has apparently given up the idea of taking a
                hand in the ruling of Gaih district.
                    A certain amount of enmity existed between him and his brother chief
                (Mir Mahmud Khan of Dashtyari) but to all intents and purposes outwardly
                at least seem to have patched up the peace. Mahmud Khan the elder (and
                incidentally a relation) naturally feels the fact that Din Mohamed should have
                more influence than him.

                                            Bint District.
                    This district is under the administration of Yahya Khan. A great deal
                of emn'ty still exists between him and his uncle Nagdi Khan, who, during
                1919, shared the administration of this district.
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