Page 769 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 769

               Early in 1920, the column which accompanied the Sub-Divisional Officer
           on inspection of the lines, from Jask to Gwadur punished the Joushdaris (who
           had been giving considerable trouble by cutting our lines, removing iusulators,
           threatening our lino staff) by destroying a portion of their date groves and huts
           sinco when they have refrained from doing any damage.

                                    Dashtyari District.
               Mirs ‘Mahmud Khnn and Din Mohamed Khan are joint chiefs of this
           district. Events in this district have been reported under heading “ Goili
           district ” and there is nothing further to add.

                                      Bahu District.                                         '
               Mirs Subban Khan and Ahmed Khan are joint chiefs of this district.
           There has been no trouble in this district both chiefs beiug quiet and un­
           interfering and they are said to treat their subjects with kindness and
               There ha3 been no rainfall this season and a severe famine therefore
           appears imminent. The anti-British feeling is not so strong as it used to be
           but the people of the country are independent and defiant and as a rule
           the chiefs do not have the control they had a short time back. Our relations
           with all the chiefs have been and continue to be friendly.

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