Page 771 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 771

               Major General Sir G. F. MacMunn, K.C.B., K.C.S.T., D.S.O., General
           Officer Commanding-in-Cliief in Mesopotamia.
               Lieut.-General Sir Aylmer Haldane, K.C.B., Commanding-in Chief in
               Licut.-Colonel Sir A. T. Wilson, K.C.I.E., C.S.I, C.M.G., D.S.O., Acting
           Civil Commissioner in Mesopotamia.
               Brigadier General Napcau, C.S.I., C.M.G., Commanding River Area,
               Mr. H. Norman, C.S.I., C.B.E., His Britannic Majesty’s Minister,
               Lieut.-Colonel A. P. Trevor, C.S.I., C.I.E., Political Resident in the
           Persian Gulf.
               Principal events.—The most interesting historical event and one that. will
           long be remembered in Mohammerah was the visit in May of His Imperial
           Majesty the Shah to Mohammerah where he was the guest of His Excellency
           Sheikh Sir Khazal Khan, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I. Preparations for his coming
           were carried on apace, and all the buildings of the town as well as those of the
           European quarters were gaily decorated by day and illuminated by night.
           The Sheikh’s palace presented a spectacle well worth seeing with its display of
           flags and brilliant electric illuminations.
               On arrival in the R. I. M. S. “ Lawrence ” His Majesty received a tre­
           mendous ovation from loyal subjects who thronged*the river banks. There
           were great demonstrations on disembarkation and again when His Majesty
           left Mohammerah. During His Majesty’s stay at Mohammerah audiences
           were granted to His Britannic Majesty’s Consul, the Heads of the British Firms,
           tribal Sheikhs and Local Notables and merchants.
               Numerous presents were given by the Sheikh to His Majesty and the un­
           dermentioned titles were conferred on the Sheikh and his sons :—

                         H. E. the Sheikh          Sardar Aqdae.
                         Sheikh Chassib Khan       Sardar Arfaa.
                         Sheikh Abdul Hamid Khan   Sardar Ajal.
                         Sheikh Abdul Majid        Sardar Kiahwar.
                         Sheikh Abdul Karim        Sardar Laehkar.
                         Sheikh Abdulla            Sardar Sharaf.
                         Sheikh Abdul Aziz         Nusvat-ul-Mulk.
               On the 16th April His Excellency the Sheikh of Mohammerah was quietly
           married to Batool Khanum, Fakhrus Sultanah, daughter of the late Hussein
           Ali JKhan, Nezam-us-Sultanah; She had arrived at Mohammerah after visit­
           ing ELerballa and Najaf presumably to settle certain affairs with the Sheikh.
               A few days later an interesting document relative to the sale of certain
           land property belonging to Fakhr-us-Sultanah was presented at the Consulate
           for attestation and registration.
               A summary of the document was that Batool Khanum appeared before a
           religious court and sold to His Excellency the Sheikh on her own account and
           on behalf of her mother the whole of their shares, which consisted of half the
           undermentioned properties belonging to them in Arabistan, which had been
           transferred to them by the late Nezam-us-Sultanah.
                   Lands situated on the west side of the Karun
                   Ghanafcheh lands
                   Nahr-i-Hashim land
                   Aal-i-Kishir lands and a quarter of the two lines of bazaar and
           the shares in the Caravanserai at Ahwaz.
               The above sold wholly to the Sheikh for Tomans 25,000 and the amount
           paid to the seller.
               Fakhr-us-Sultanah is a cousin of the present Nizam-us-Sultanah
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