Page 767 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 767


              y0Mri__The Director left Karachi on his annual tour of inspection on the
          7th December and after visiting the Telegraph Stations in the Persian Gulf,
          returned to head quarters on the 22nd January 1921. On the down trip he
          interviewed Mir Hoti and Mir Burkat’s Wazir at Jask, and Mir Din Mohamcd
          and Mir Mahmud Khan’s Wazir at Charbar. Mirs Owlia and Shahsowar,
          headmen of Karwan District, were also interviewed at Jask.
              Mr. F. Hughes* report on the condition of tho districts between Jask and
          Baku is appended.
                                         J ASK.
              Mr. 0. H. St. John, Assistant Superintendent, was in charge of the
          Telegraph Station upto 19th Novomber when he was relieved by Mr. J. H.
          Tomlinson on his transfer to Karachi. The latter held charge of the station
          to the close of the year.
              Persian officials.—Mirza Husain Ali performed the duties of the Collector
          of Customs throughout the year. The place of the Deputy Governor is still
              Military detachment.—The detachment of 2-lst Brahmins was relieved
          by a detachment of l-117th Mahrattas whose average monthly strength has
          been one Indian Officer and fifty men.
              Aeroplanes.— On 23rd February, Captain Mathews was forced to land at
          Jask owing to his fusilage fabric firing. While landing the undercarriage was
          badly damaged. Two mechanics were sent for from Bunder Abbas who
          completed the repairs. Captain Mathews left for Karachi on the 3rd March.
              Kidnapping case.—In October slaves of Murad Khan, soil of Mir Mustafa
          Khan, assaulted the engine-driver of Jask station and took him to old Jask in
          order to extort money from him. His release was procured and Mir Mustafa
          Khan was fined R9. 50 for not giving protection to a telegraph employee.
              Navy.—His Majesty’s Ship “ Britomart ” and two Royal Indian Marine
          boats called at Jask during the year.
              Captain Wilson, Director of the Royal Indian Marine visited the place.
          He inspected the beacon light-house erected in July 1919.

              Mr. P. W. Lang was relieved by Mr. W. W. D. Cumming on the 3rd
          July. The latter held charge of the station to the close of the year.
              Persian Customs.—Mirza Mohamed Ali was relieved on 23rd July by
          Mirza Abbas who performed the duties of the Customs Collector for tbe rest of
          the year.
               Walls.—Yusaf Safar was relieved by Mir. Nindu on 26th July 1920 by the
          orders of Mir Mahmud Khan. Slier Mobamed acted as Wali of the place
          throughout the year under the orders of Mir Din Mohamed.
              Military detachment.—Up to 18tl\ May the strength of the garrison was
          160 rank and file, after that date the average strength was 65 fighting men.
              Aeroplanes.—An Italian aeroplane under the charge of Captain Ranza
          arrived on the 19th April and left for Karachi on the 21st.
              Poyal Navy.—No ships of the Royal Navy except Royal Indian Marine
          Ship “Lawrence” called at Charbar during the year.
              In November Colonel A. P. Trevor came to Charbar where he gave an
          interview to Sirdar Husain Khan of Gaih.

              I al Khan was British Agent at Gwadur throughout the year.
               Wali,—Saif bin Badar returned from leave in the beginning of the year
          under report and was Wali to the end of tho year.
              Customs.—The Sultan’s Customs were managed by Seth Mohamed Reimco.
          Many complaints were received against him. The matter was represented to
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