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curtail business owing to a decrease in dcjnand in America and to a lessor
extent in European countries. This caused a fall in prices of between 10 and
20 per cent, and loss to weavers. At the close of the year the foreign firms
had practically ceasod to give fresh ordors and confined themselves to finishing
work already on the looms.
The total value of carpets exported from Kerman from 1st January to
31st Decombcr 1920 was £1G1,713 as compared with £57,328 in the previous
No carpet caravans were interfered with by robbers throughout the year.
Evory advantage was taken of South Persia .Rifles escorts for ensuring the safe
arrival of consignments at Bandar Abbas.
British Interests.
Indo-European Telegraph Department.—Mr. E. M. Norris, held the post
of the Superintendent I. E. T. D. Kerman Sub-Division throughout the year.
Imperial Bank of Persia.—Mr. H. L. G. Taylor managed the Kerman
branch of the I. B. P. from the beginning of the year till March when lie
proceeded on leave to England and was relieved by Mr. A. W. Black.
Mr. Black was replaced by Mr. W. J. D’Alton at the close of the year. A
British Accountant was also maintained during tho greater part of the year.
As noted elsewhere the Bank at the close of the year was, under orders
from Tehran, practically doing no business, owing to the situation in the
Church Missionary Society.
Kerman Medical Mission.
European Staff . . Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Dodson, January to March.
Dr. Ironside, April to December.
Miss Petley and Miss Seagrave, July to December.
Native Staff . Men attendants ..... 6
Women's attendants . . • 3
In-patients . Men 155
Women . 148
Out-patients . Men new patients 1,502
Repeat visits . 4,109
Women new patients 2,094
Repeat visits . 8,203
City visits . 803.
Major operations . Men 114
C. M. S. School.—The Reverend A. K. Boyland held charge of the Mission
School throughout the year.
Oriental Carpet Manufacturers, £/d.—The firm was represented by
Mr. G. T. Bond till the month of July when he was replaced by Mr. J.
Joannides assisted by staff of two Europeans.
The total number of cases settled by Karguzari under Consulate supervision,
including cases in which the interests of Eorcign subjects or firms and of
British-protected Persian subjects were concerned, was 21 and compensation
recovered amounted to Krans 255,354. 30 cases were pending at the end of
the year.
No action under the Criminal Procedure Code was taken by His Majesty’s
Consul throughout the year.
A. J. H. GREY, Major, I.A.,
His Majesty's Consul, Kerman.
K rum AS,
m 1st March 1921.