Page 770 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 770


                                            CHAPTER V.

                    Administration Report for the Arabistan Consulate for the year 1920.

                     Personnel.—Assistant Surgeon 0. H. Lincoln, O.B.E., held charge of the
                 Consulate at Mohammerah throughout the year.
                     Captain E. C. B. Peel held charge of the Vice-Consulate at Ahwaz.
                 During the period that Captain Peel proceeded on leave, Captain E. H. O.
                 Elkington, M.C., held charge of the Vice-Consulate. On Captain Peel’s
                 return, Captain Elkington proceeded on leave.
                     Captain Wallis was appointed Assistant to Vice-Consul, Ahwaz, in
                     Major W. L. Meade was in charge at Dizful and Shushtar till the end of
                 October when he was transferred to Shiraz as His Britannic Majesty’s Consul.
                     Captain Warren was appointed His Britannic Majesty’s Vice-Consul
                 Dizful in November and hold the appointment till the end of the year when
                 Captain Elkington relieved him and Captain Warren was transferred to
                     Local Officials.—His Excellency Sheikh Sir Khazal Khan, G.C.I.E.,
                 K.C.S.I., remained ruler of South Arabistan and the various Arab tribes in­
                 habiting North Arabistan.
                     Sheikh Chassib Khan, eldest son of His Excellency the Sheikh was
                 Deputy Governor of Mohammerah throughout the year.
                     Sheik Abdul Hamid Khan, second son of His Excellency the Sheikh, was
                 Deputy Governor of Ahwaz throughout the year.
                     Said-ul-Mulk held the appointment of Karguzar at the beginning of the
                 year. On appointment to the Persian Parliament he was relieved by
                 Hisbmat-UB-Sultanak who took over charge of the Karguzarate on the 10th

                   Notables and Officials who visited Mohammerah during the year.
                     His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia and his suite.
                     His Highness Farman-Earma, Governor-General of Ears.
                     His Highness Wosuq-ud-Dowleh, ex Persian Prime Minister.
                     His Highness Eirooz Mirza, Nusrat-ud-Dowleh, ex Persian Foreign
                     His Excellency Moayid-ud-Dowleh, Governor-General of Arabistan.
                     His Excellency Darya-Begi, ex Governor-General of Persian Gulf Ports.
                     His Excellency Sayed Talib Beg, formerly an influential personage of
                 Basrah and late Minister of the Interior for Mesopotamia.
                     Sheikh Salim, Sheikh of Koweit.
                     Ain-ul-Mulk, Persian Consul-General for Damascus.
                     Moazed-ul-Vezarch, Persian Consul of Basrah.
                     His Excellency Sheikh Sir Khazal Khan visited Koweit once for about a
                 fortnight during the year.

                   British Officials who visited Mohammerah and the Sheikh during
                                               THE YEAR.
                     His Excellency Major General Sir P. Z. Cox, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I., High
                 Commissioner for Mesopotamia.
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