Page 796 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 796

                     Tho price of dollars varied constantly during the year due to the fluctua­
                                                 tion of tho silver market.
                     The average monthly rates were :—
                                                                II H.
                        J anuary                                25G per 100 dollars.
                        February                                212    »
                        March                                   239-5
                        April .                                22G    n
                        May .                                  213
                        Juno .                                 193    >»
                        J uly                                  207    n
                        August •                               208-2  >>
                        September .                            206-2
                        •October                               215    n
                        November                               215    «
                        December                               201    ;»
                     For the year ending 31st March 1920 imports, for Muscat and Muttra
                 only, amounted to Rs. 39,20,441- and exports to Rs. 43,15,0S0 as compared to
                 Rs. 43,49,471 and Rs. 36,34,842 last year. The total volume of trade therefore
                 remains about the same.
                     Trade is now almost entirely concentrated in British Indian hands, and
                 the Arab merchants of Sur are now the sole survisors of the enterprising
                 Omani traders of former days. Even the Arab merchants of the interior are
                 not traders in the true sense of the term, as they only buy and sell from the
                 Banians and Khojas of Muscat and Muttra who absolutely control prices and
                     The lack of rain affected the date crop slightly, and tvc supply of fodder
                 and locally grown cereals seriously. The price of camels has gone down CO
                per cent, duo to the lack of fodder and the poverty on the Trucial coast,
                 caused by the stagnation in the pearl market, which has greatly diminished the
                    The slump in prices at the end of the year resulted in merchants being
                left with considerable stocks of rice which they had bought in anticipation of
                the continuance of high price*. Tliero is therefore a momentary cessation of
                imports, holders of stocks endeavouring to keep up prices by artificial scarcity
                and so to save as much as possible of their losses. This combined with the
                decreased purchasing power of tiie dollar duo to the fall in the exchange has
                reacted somewhat hardly on the poorer classes.
                    There has been a remarkable decline in the trade and population of
                Muscat during the year, at the expense of the neighbouring port of Muttra.
                The trade of Muscat with the cessation of the arms traffic ha9 been confined
                for some time to the supply of interior Oman and the Oman coast. For this
                purpose Muttra is far better adapted than Muscat as it is in direct communica­
                tion by caravan road with the interior and more suitable for sailing vessels.
                Most of Muscat is now empty and in ruins and the value of house property has
                greatly decreased, while the reverse i9 the case in Muttra.
                    Ichabod may well be added to the numerous names that adorn its red hot
                    Monsieur Vadala, French Consul at Bombay, arrived hero on 2nd .December
                and left with Monsieur Yvoneouon 20th December for Bombay.
                    The affairs of the French Consulate and Coal Depot have been wound
                                                up and the depot leased to His Britannic
                          French interoiti.
                                                Majesty's Government from 1st January
                                                1921 for the period of a year.
                    Red. G, Van Peursem was in charge of the Mission. Doctor (Miss)
                                                Hosmon and Miss Button were among
                          Amnrican Minion.
                                                tho members of the mission. As usual
                Rev. V. Peursem and Miss Hosmon went to India on their summer recess in
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